Let's Google Hangout! [#3]

6 or shortly after should work for me.

That works for me

OK! Let’s shoot for Tuesday at 6PM PST :slight_smile:

We picked an appropriate day:

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Hey guys, unfortunately I’m not going to make it to this one. I’ll get in on the next for sure, barring some catastrophe.

Wow you’re really taking that flash news harder than I thought


so hangout = group cry?

Well I know what I’ll be wearing tonight

I may be late… or have to leave early… or not show up :trout:

Haha! Shall we reschedule? I am up for tomorrow or another time if you all can make it :slight_smile:

Edit: Let’s reschedule to a time that works better for all of us!

I’m busy this whole week, but next Monday/Tuesday evening should work for me.

This suit’s getting pretty hot, phone should be ringing aaaaaany minute now…

Hang in there, any day now :wink:

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We should propose something specific here. Does, say, this Saturday at 2pm Pacific work for people?

Weekdays work best for me. Would something later this week like Thursday work? :slight_smile:

Weekdays are best for me right now as well. I have weddings, baby showers, and other things tying up my summer weekends unfortunately.

I’m usually good with weekdays outside of the Pacific 9-5 work block. Weekends can work too, depending on what I’m doing.

Ok - how about next Tuesday at 7PM PST? :slight_smile:

Works for me.

:write: :thumb2: