Can someone explain more about fixing this problem? I don’t understand how to fix it. My preloader won’t work until about 50% of the movie. Kax said something to be unselected but I have no clue what it is exactly…
SOme one told me that:
He was referring to the “Linkage…” options of a clip (movie, button, graphic) in your library. So, to get there, you can open up your .fla’s library (F11), right-click on the desired clip and find the option that says “Linkage…”. Now, ironically, if you have the “Export in first frame” checked, that clip – along with any other clips that have that selected – loads first (i.e. before the rest of the flash does).
Ok, if that’s the case, since I have to load a movie which contain Components (text scroller), it has to be “Export in first frame”,
I tried to uncheck the component inside the scroller, and it messed it up.
So, can some one help me? How can I load a text scroller, cause seems like only when there is the scroller otherwise it would be ok. Is there any onther preloader that I can use so that it would be ok with the text scroller?
So what do you thing about scroller txt, Imean I next the text to be scrolled. Is there any other thing except the component that i can use to have scroller text?
ok i had the same problem as you, dont worry its no BIGGIE
you obviously have a text scroller and so did i. And that text scroller is a component right?
so open your library (ctrl L) now browse through those file till you come upon scroller ui components or sumpin like that , (its a folder) no go through every single folder and file inside them.
check for there linkage
this is how u check the linkage.
right click on the symbol in the library, then select linkage 2wards the bottom of the options.
now you will come across some with some boxes checked saying “export…” some crap like that, untick all of them!!
I did go through every single one of the Text Scroller files , and unchecked the “Export first…”, but it will mess up the scroller. The arrow will disappear.
Anybody who can solve this problem would be one the best…hehehe