I have the below preloader code. The actual preloader itself, works just fine. I have scene in this order: preload,main,view,viewad.
Here is the problem:
When I ctrl-enter, ctrl-enter to view the movie in 56K stream, I notice that the preloader doesn’t start until roughly 25K into the download. The entire size of the movie is 59K. I thought it may have had something to do with scene order, but I have the preloader scene at the top. The preloader timeline only has “2” frames. What could be going on here? Is this because I created my entire movie then added the preloader when it was all done? An I missing something? Any assistance, would be greatly appreciated.
I was searching for a way to “delete” this post. I posted this after searching through about 80 posts, with no success. On my 81st post review, I found the “linkage” answer.
Very interesting. I found out why I couldn’t scroll. I’d deselected “export in first frame” for:
Library -> Flash UI Components -> Core Assets - Developer Only -> FUI Component Class Tree -> FUIComponent
Library -> Flash UI Components -> Core Assets - Developer Only -> Other Assets -> FScrollbar Assets -> [fsb_DownArrow,fsb_ScrollThumb,fsb_UpArrow]
I selected “export in first frame” as it as originally, and the scrollbars worked again. However, now my movie is starting at 29%, same place it started originally.
It’s useless to have a preloader that starts 1/4 into the download. Should I make my own scrollbars? Is there no way around this? Heck, I’d even load the scrollbar component AFTER the movie was already playing if this was possible.
I had the same problem, but unfortunately there is no way around it. Besides, I have tried my website and there is no problem since the preloader actually will load in about 4 or 5 secs with 56k modem, and should be ok with cable. Well, check my site, I used the components and preloader.
There must be a way to use components but not have them load in frame 0. Otherwise compnents are rubbish and we should get macromedia to find a work around.
what a waste of time! Compnents that suck and confuse 56k users.
I just make each text section a separate swf with a component attached and then load it in. It does mean more loading throughout the site which sucks. Good for me as i only have one section with scrolling text
Not great, but it sorts out the preloader problems