Linking flash-pages

Hi there!
I am trying to link two .swf’s together … I use the

onClipEvent (load) {
on (release) {

…script from a button and it dosent do anything!
Please help!

useless answer … :sigh:

onClipEvent (load) {
	this.onRelease = function() {

but there’s no need to do that :-\

why don’t you just use …

on (release) {

?? :slight_smile:

mmm… okay thanks. Anything else?
Its still not working, I have both .swf’s in the same directory!

check that the movie clip has the instance name contents … ??

I think thats the problem , can u explain a little more? (ex. maybe?)

you just select your movie clip and type contents in the instance name field located in the properties panel :slight_smile:

by the way …

of course, i’m not so stupid THANKS

i was going to say:

it happens even to the best … :sigh:

No was going to say : I am so STUPID
But then I realized I was stupider than that!

Now here it comes again…:
It seems I screwd up completle!
I am trying to link to diffrenct .swf’s together! How can I do that. I tried the above method with no results(maybe I just screwd up)
… drunk as ever
The Drunken Koala!

what’s the problem? the code is fine. it will load a movie named lena.swf into the movie clip contents

loading techniques

are you trying to link to .swf together, that is load a movie into another ? or simply switchin from one swf to another ?

try givin away the .fla file…