OK, Im trying to figure out how to load an internal movie clip? I am familar with loading a .swf by using:
on (release) {
loadMovieNum (“xxxx.swf”, 1);
But what if you have the movie saved in your library and want to load it through a button on your main movie clip? Hope im making sense;)
GO into your library and right click on the movie clip you will want to load. Now choose “Linkage…” Check the “Export for Actionscript” box and put a name in the name box.
Now add an empty movie clip onto your stage to load your movie onto. In this example I will use “loadClip” as the instance name for this movie.
Now create your button. Add these actions…
on (release) {
_root.loadClip.attachMovie("attacherClip", "attacherClip2", 1);
Where attacherClip is the name you gave your clip in the linkage area, attacherClip2 is the new name and 1 is the depth.