Logo Again?

How about this one?
(for those who dont know, its for a catering business)

very “Gourmet” magazine…

if that was what you were going for…

Should look great on business cards. expensive to print tho.


I like this one a lot better than the first attempt, this really gets the idea across of food. nice logo

i’d personnaly switch the “reflections” of the pics upside down…
and make the S really be on the same line as the P…

nice though

nice, much better

the reflections are not right I think? But I like this one more…What direction has the client given you for the logo…Does it have to be text?

So far this is the better one

yeah this one is deff better. but the reflections aer supposed to be upsidedown no? so you have to fix that. i like the red then black but there seems to be a huge gap between the R and the S which pisses me off, but since thats a font not much you can do about it:-\ otherwise i like this one more

Thats very nice!

Very nice indeed!

However, As reverendflash mentioned, It will be expensive to print. There is alot of detail in it.

Also, Imagine this on t-shirts, It would be very difficult to sew on.

I would create a few more, Maybe vector images.

That logo could be used on letter heads etc and another logo, (Vector) could be used on uniforms etc

I would drift towards something original maybe vector…you might have copywrite issues witht the chili pepper (j/k) I dont know why I have good ideas for other peoples logos but not my own clients…just got a good idea for yours…oh well but this is the better of the bunch

i like it but i’m not sure about the font

if the company wants to look posh the logo is great and can easily be printed onto t-shirts :slight_smile: maybe not stiched but theres ways. :slight_smile:

looks better maybe making the veggies into vector images would be best and making the squares with the veggies as big as the text without the reflections, great progress though keep it up :thumb:

*Originally posted by 3d-iva *
**the reflections are not right I think? **

good eye 3d…

I didn’t even notice that…


Chili peppers aren’t very Persian. Try Basmati rice, saffron, kebabs, etc.
my .02

i hate your footer grimdeath…apple owns you…and everyone out there that is opposed to it. :smiley:

nice work. I agree about the reflections, They should be upside down. Why not apply a reflective water effect under the image instead? Try the excellent flood filter for photoshop from flaming pear http://www.flamingpear.com/download.html (only a demo, but fully functional for 30days i think)

As for the writing, i would give it a faint shadow effect so as to give the image more depth.

…um… hope thats ok for you :slight_smile: