LotR - The IRC log

Ok, this might not be as hilarious and the “I got undercut…”-thread but it’s still funny as hell :slight_smile:


Someone spent alot of time making that. Funny.

That is pretty funny. Thankfully I speak enough geek to understand that all.

Was a pretty good summary.

Of course you speak enough geek. You’re a member of the Kirupa forums!


chases krilnon

*grabs ethan and krilnon’s beer and foodstuff while they’re busy

whats… **compiles list
SIF and FFS?
and i spose ph34r is fear?

HAHa that is awesome… :stuck_out_tongue: dunno what Sif means though :-/

**Uses Level 4 Defensive Food Spell Cast
**Drinks 1/2 Life Beer Potion
EthanM Destroys Total Biscuit causing 512 damage points.

I’ve never played a RPG I swear…

hahahaha, geeks + lotr = uber 9EeX

Do you realize how long that would have taken to type?!?

FFS means For Phuqs Sake (needed to bypass the swearword filter, am I getting banned now?)

Oh, and sif means aS IF

okie dokie, thank you :), i can now sleep at long last!