:: Maya PLE contest ::

Hey all , just got a email from alias, they are running a contest for Maya Personal Learning edition users.

They have built a character and you are suppose to animate him. You can win a copy of Maya Complete, dvd learning tools and a HP Workstation.:!:

Check out the flash site.

:::: New link Below::::

Some really nice content as well, make sure you check out Gallery. check out the swf movies, “oultine” and “shading” …Awesome stuff…:!:

and at the bottom of the site click on how to, to see how they have set up the character rig and what is available to you.

thought i would keep you guys/girls in the know.


there is a readup on the contest at CG channel.

Maya PLE Contest @ CG channel.com

Sorry peoples, just was notified that the alias.com link was not working, must of been linked through my member access, here is the flash site @ cg channel.

…:: Maya PLE Contest @ CG channel ::…

Remember people, all users that use Maya PLE are welcomed, dont expect you dont have a chance. this is for the PLE meaning a beginners contest, sure they will be great entries from talented people but why not try, if you have the time try out and maybe you might be lucky to win a awesome machine and some awesome software .


wow - 77 days left - maybe I will have time to enter… :bad:


wow, you know i would enter this… but 1) i dont have maya and 2) i dont know how to use it :frowning:

good luck to anyone who does enter though, looks like a good contest. I wish i had the time to learn maya, 3d is on my list of things to learn, but the list is incredibly long, so it may be a few years before i get around to it.

Maya PLE is free… I think you can download it from the Alias website.

yes you can. PLE stands for Personal Learning Edition. It’s free. The whole point of the competition is to promote PLE. you might as well download it and have a play around.