Me 2nd AS3 site

its for a photographer, the images are his, but its only test data really - please give it your worst.

Ok big into image is cool, but I don’t know that everyone will know what to do with that. It seems like you need something to convince people to click to continue, but then it just messes up the image and looks like an intro and so the circle goes. I guess the question is: Do you really need it?

Also I think the image thumbs should center on the screen if there aren’t enough content to go off both sides of the screen. It seemed kind of broken when it would slide one way and then not the other because there wasn’t enough width to make the slider work.

Some controls for the videos might be nice… and it is a little strange that the video’s section changes the nav location and gives a background image. I like both the standard white and the video section, but I noticed the break in consistency and wondered why.

Otherwise its simple and fast so its exactly what a good photo site should be.

Many thanks for the feedback.

I agree with it all…

The intro image and the video background are the clients idea…I like the idea of the video page but I too think its a pointless break from the consistency of the site - I will mock up a version without the intro page and the video background and show the client (and you lot).

And yes, I forgot about the centering of the images, thanks, i will get on that.


Do you have any other options for fonts? If this is a freelance project, do you have any extra budget? Have a look at, I often sell these along with new projects to give a more distinct appearance. It makes a big difference.

The main thing that struck me is the performance is terrible. It runs at about 10 frames a second ay 1680 by 1050.

when is it performing badly? during the enlarging / minimising or moving the images once an image has been enlarged? or both?

I wish…no, money ran out on this project along time ago…as always i charged too little and taken too long on it :crying:

The site is clean and simple. doctor_funk has a point about the font I think it needs more individuality.

Another gripe, I’m forced to wait until all images in a section are download before I can change sections, this isn’t terrible but it could be punishing later on when you add more content and has the potential to frustrate users particularly on a slow connection.

Also does need controls on the video player and perhaps center it?
You’ll need more specific contact details and maybe a contact form.

Lastly I really digg some of the photography in your sketchbook :smiley: