Messenger everywhere... hehehe

Poo & chat… :stuck_out_tongue:

that is incredible. Is nothing sacred from the steely cold grasp of the microsoft world domination order?

Nice idea, but i can’t see it catching on at festivals. Whos gonna chat in the loo at a festival when most people have free net access at home? When i go to festivals, part of the fun is sitting by the tent, talking to friends, getting drunk and just generally being a smelly hippy. Great though the net is, i do like to escape it sometimes.

:link:[COLOR=orange]the orange one[/COLOR] :link:

I went to Glastonbury a few years ago, and the last thing on my mind was surfing the web. :beam:

heh, yeah. i wasn’t web surfing, i was CROWD SURFING!

:drumroll: thankyou, i will be here all week.

:link:[COLOR=orange]the orange one[/COLOR] :link:

You couldnt pay me enough to touch the darn thing. Just think of what all those other people have touched and then touched the device… yeuck! :frowning:

i don’t even go into porter pottys. i’d rather do it in nature than in one of those things. they’re disgusting.

that sounded wrong.

let me rephrase. i’d rather take a s-h-i-t in nature than in a porter potty.

imagine tracing hackers though, weve traced him to the bog on oxford road lol lets go go go. by the time theve got there all that will be left is the smell of defeat lol


“MSN UK is negotiating with toilet paper manufacturers for special rolls with Web addresses, or URLs, printed on them.”

omg. this is too much.

yes, theres no way in heck i would wanna use that thing after ppl are doing god knows what and touching god knows whatelse, and then typing… eeew.

and another thing. most of you guys are… well guys, so i dunno what you do, but i speak for myself and most women i think when i say WE DONT SIT. i mean. gaw, public restrooms are disgusting. all sorts of butt-spread diseases could be lurking. and i think it would be kinda hard to ‘hover’ and type… hahahah.

im going to the phish “IT” fest this summer, and i’m imagining a bunch of dirt caked shroomin hippes in the can checkin their email… oh god… no thanks MSN

yeah… seems like a whole new market made and dominated by micro$osft :-\

then you get some guy trippin’ his brains out, afraid to go back outside the Porta Potty (where there are actual real life people), so he stays in there for hours chatting up some girl (or so he thinks), while someone stands on one leg then the other…

I’ve been to shows where someone is afraid to go outside a normal restroom, let alone one with the web involved… It would be like bringing alcohol to an intervention…



Chatting in a toilet… That would be interesting, imagine your the person on the other end! If it’s a friend u are bound to ask where they have Internet access at the festival … the response “uhmm, well you know there’s this great new technology, toilet net (TN) :beam: , I am actually taking a dump whilst talking to you.” I would really feel great … yuck, ichy ichy poo…

D :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by golgi *
**“MSN UK is negotiating with toilet paper manufacturers for special rolls with Web addresses, or URLs, printed on them.”

omg. this is too much.

yes, theres no way in heck i would wanna use that thing after ppl are doing god knows what and touching god knows whatelse, and then typing… eeew.

and another thing. most of you guys are… well guys, so i dunno what you do, but i speak for myself and most women i think when i say WE DONT SIT. i mean. gaw, public restrooms are disgusting. all sorts of butt-spread diseases could be lurking. and i think it would be kinda hard to ‘hover’ and type… hahahah.

im going to the phish “IT” fest this summer, and i’m imagining a bunch of dirt caked shroomin hippes in the can checkin their email… oh god… no thanks MSN **

i am such a freak about sitting on toilets. i have to be very sure that it is safe before i sit and even then i put loads of toilet paper on the seats. but porter pottys are soooo gross. but yeah usually i hover. it’s gotten easier i think since i started yoga cause i can hover longer. bahahahahahah.

did you know that chicks can actually pee standing up? haha. men have nothing on us now!

it is an art all in its own. we are awesome.

:wink: yeah we are. and so is yoga…lol.

no sh*t. yoga is good for all kinds of things.

i went to glasto a few years ago

im going this year… YAY :slight_smile:

I went a couple of years ago, and it rocked. :slight_smile: I was deaf for days afterwards, but that was a small price to pay. :slight_smile:

My mate went the year of ‘The Mud’. :stuck_out_tongue: Glad I missed that one…

I want to go to V2003 this year. :beam:

year of the mud '97 thats the last time radiohead played and im the opposite… i so wish i was there… but il see them this year… :slight_smile: