Lets try this, you live in utopia-land where everyone helps each other, there is no unemployment, there is no fighting, everytig is great.
Communist ! Commy !
The only way that this is going to happen is if you live under communism. You will never have everyone helping each other in a capitalistc society as by the nature of capitalisim you try to gain at the expense of others. And there will always be unemployment in a capitalistic society as you will never reach an equilibrium were jobs = people.
I like both capitalism and communism, both have factors going for them. Let’s not forget that Russia was nothing more than a bunch of farmers. But once they united under communism where everyone was working for the greater good, they quickly became a superpower. Though admittedly even they still had problems and I wouldn’t like being told what I have to do.
At this point do you wish that the people had weapons to rebel the invasion, or do you just bend over and take what crappy-land does?
Well if the USA came to invade Australia I wouldn’t care. Like being under US dictatorship is going to make a difference.
If Saddam came down here to invade and force us to live under his dictatorship, then that would be a different story. If we didn’t have the US and British to help us, then our piss-ant defense force would have no chance against Saddams (ex) army.
I would say that its stupid for us to bear arms in an attempt to stop him. All that that would achieve is a few deaths on his side, and millions of our innocent civilians killed. So I would say let them walk in.
Once there politicians are here to run the country…. Bring out the terror tactics and kill them. Take it back to Iraq and kill there politicians there.
If you go to war you can kill thousands of solders, and the political leaders who sent the solders there will only send more.
If you use terror tactics and kill innocent civilians from the other side, that will only fuel them to make there political leaders act in revenge and send more solders.
If you kill the political leaders who are sending the solders, then when it’s their lives on the line, they will soon change their tune.