Modded Vincent

Nothing particularly new or special, I was just faffing around with filters and layer modes and stuff on one of my pics and kinda liked how this turned out. :slight_smile:

I really must learn more about PS… :sure:

Looks cool! :thumb:

Mind if I mess with it?

Mess with it to your heart’s content. :slight_smile:

5 minute lameness. . . . .

that’s so cool! I love how you modified it dan :slight_smile:

Thanks ahmed, very basic layer effects, curves, hues, saaturates, ect.

lighter. . . .

oo i like the lighter one and then i like kits! keep going! w00t

Kit, that pic in your footer looks nothing like you! I know it’s you, but it doesn’t look like you :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I was going to say quite some time ago if she adds an adjustment layer to her drawings. Alot of her drawing will appear to jump off the page. She already has a good understanding of shadows…I would also add some render>lighting effects. But her stuff is already good.

*Originally posted by Soul *
Kit, that pic in your footer looks nothing like you! I know it’s you, but it doesn’t look like you :stuck_out_tongue:
It’s me about three years ago at University, and I had dark hair then. :slight_smile:

Dan, I really like that second one, looks great. :slight_smile: Wish I knew how to do that, I’m gonna have to get you guys to teach me someday. :slight_smile:

Same for you, 3d-iva… I’m really not that familiar with the whole adjustment layer thing, so any suggestions / tips and all would be greatly appreciated. I’m still kinda noob with PS, even though I’ve been using it for years. :sure:

In fact, if anyone wants gifs or psd files of any of my pics so they can mod them, you’re all welcome to play. :slight_smile:

I fiddled a bit with it too =)

took the liberty of adding a lot of shadows 'n stuff, looks great IMO :slight_smile:

I didn’t do the hair :sure:

here it is: (attached)

Cool, he looks more anime. :beam:

Hmmm, how about I open up a new section on my website with all these modded pics? :slight_smile:


gimme aeris now…!

In your PM box. :wink:

not as good as vincent, but…

e those are amazing! that vincent was just, wowzy! i like him a bit more than aeris but she still looks really good :thumb:

hey dan,
do the white blast effect from
look under photoshop tutorials for it

would give it a cool “power-up” look

I’d do it, but I’m at work… tee hee hee

there it is, it took forever for me to find so i figured that once i did you can take it.

Oo! Ooo! Limit Break! Do it in red, that would minic the Limit effect perfectly… :beam:

that would look so cool, if i had PS on hand i would do it…maybe later if dan doesnt.