Photoshop pic

not to active on this forum yet, but i thought well lemme trow a lil something on. This is a pic made in photoshop a colored in version of one of my sketches. It’s mostly done freehand with the airbrush tool, since i airbrush irl and i could use some practise.

anyway, it’s a character of the wraith race (one of the races of this online game i play. at you can find more info)

Pretty good drawing. Could do with some details on some edges.

Very dark, but an excellent piece. :slight_smile:

I like the style of this.


yeah well dark… my drawings are usually dark (i really like black :slight_smile: ). but in this case it’s justified as the wraith’s are considered a dark race

very nice… … and dark!

Wow, I really like this, your style is great. Very nice job.
One thing I would recommend is sharpen up some of your edges, you seem to have a lot of jaggies. Great job though.

nice one!!!

the char himself looks especially cool, but i think the clouds and city line in the background could do with a bit of work, some of which was mentioned above

anyway, i like it a lot :smiley:
do you find your airbrushing skills help with digital stuff? i did a bit of airbrushing, but i don’t think it really helps me now :stuck_out_tongue:


yes i think it helps a bit. But this is because i use a wacom graphire with a stylus instead of a mouse. It’s still different from an airbrush but well closer then a mouse :wink:

and yes i know about the jaggies. the bigger part of the background was done when i didn’t use photoshop to it’s full capabilities yet. else i would have used a background layer :)…

After the pic was completed I had to work with photoshop for workplacement so i had a 40h workweek to learn it, week doesn’t look like much but it’s amazing what i learned in that time thnx to a lot of great tutorials.

working on some new artwork and it will be a bit better (jaggiewise :slight_smile: )

sorry for the late reply, but on my comp at the student room it seems i’m not able to post. Is this because you need cookies to stay logged in?

if ur talking about colorizing things, i just sharpen up the edges till they look nice, then use Image/Adjustments/Hue and Saturation then check colorize and play around till i get what i want

oh yeah, and of course select the area to be colorized first

yeah, not a bad idea but when i use airbrush irl i have to choose colors the hard way to :slight_smile: so this is a bit practise for it then