So what’s that mean…she’s not allowed to beg…LOL
Workin’ on it Kit…
So what’s that mean…she’s not allowed to beg…LOL
Workin’ on it Kit…
Vincent with flare…
Sorry, I mean the original picture. My bad. I never specified or gave the file.
This is the one I ought to have said:
first of all… kit… your drawings are amazing…
i think that most of us would like to have your drawing skills…
second of all…
eilsoe… you are **** nice to make shadows… (i really liked the vincent you modded…, but hey… i was right next to you when you did it… so maybe I bring you luck… or not… :thumb: )
BBatPA… your mod was also really cool…
and of course… Eilsoe… you are an AFFE…
Just thought I’d let you know…
I can change the light flares to whatever colors you may like too…
Forgot to add the file… :crazy:
ok now this is cool
This is just perfect. Thank you soooo much.
If I can ever draw you anything, just ask. :beam:
kit new desktop?
Yup, Auron might get pushed to one side in favour of Vince.
What is your resolution set at Kit…I’ll make it that size (the background, I won’t scale the characters though)…
If you want, post or link to Auron I’ll add the flares and give you all 3 (2 solo’s and one with both) at your screen size…
Do you have PhotoShop7…??? Maybe I should just make that an action and send that along too… :q:
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**You mean, I was attracted to a guy?
Ewwwwww. Whats happening to me? **
Come on, Phil…
We all know this wasn’t the first time you made that mistake
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