I made a site for my bosses company for free a while ago. She has now offered to pay me to make one for her other company.I dont want to overcharge, and i wanna give a good deal. How much does a standard flash site go for? I will be sorting out 2 years .co.uk hosting, updates, etc. Assuming the site would be of roughly the same standard and have the same content as the first one http://www.quasar-enfield.co.uk (still under construction) how much do you all think i should charge? Would also be about the same standard as my portfolio www.jamescorcoran.co.uk (also under contruction). Thanks for any advice you can give me.
Depends on your skill level and how efficient you are. On average, a well put together flash site could range anywhere from $500 to $3000+ in my experience.
If your fairly new then keep it under a grand since you’re trying to build experience, but then again, that’s just me. =)
Thanks, thats quite helpful. The site would be of the standard of the sites above, and i hope i would be efficient! I would be creating it in the company building, liasing with her whenever needed, so it should be an easy creation process.
I think in your case your skills will cost from 1000 to 2000 $