How much should I charge for a complete Flash Website?

I know this a broad question.
Can anyone tell me a ballpark figure or a place(resource) I can find out?

Thanks in advance.

depends how big the site…for a small personal one-$300-$500

small buisness-$700-$1000

medium business-$1500+

large corporation-minimum $8000

What’s the industry rate for web-development in your part of the world?
Are you experienced?
Do you have anything to show your skills?

To be professional, you’d work out a schedule of major tasks, then estimate a number of hours you’d take to do it. Te tasks might include a client consultation, concept development, content development, application of the site and finally “tweaking” the site.

Choose an hourly rate corresponding to your skills and experience, then give your initial quote based on your proposed schedule of hours. Specify your price as “Quote Only” and try to arrange for payment at the completion of each stage. Advise the client that the final stage depends on them and how happy they are with you (the designer/developer’s) work. Try to protect yourself from endless hours making little changes by continuing to charge an hourly rate.

Even if this work is for a friend, it is better for both of you to take it professionally. You can adjust your hourly rate accordingly.

Hope it helps.

Hey Xperiment and thanks.
The one I’m making is for a small-med business.
Completely original and made from scratch.
Also throwing in a e-newsletter.
Was gonna charge a little under 3G.
That sound okay?
I charged them 500 clams for their logo a little while back.

If you search the forums you will find a bunch of threads on this stuff.

Hello Carixpig, thank you. I took all that into consideration indeed.
Have a proprosal set.
Have been “in-house” for so long, that I have lost touch with teh rates lately, esp an all flash site.
For experience, I’d say I am above intermediate.
I know it’s not a real reflection of my skills but to give an idea of some experience, I was introduced to PhotoShop when it was version 3, Flash when it was also 3 and now a good deal of ASP coding.

Again, my sincere thanks.

[font=Century Gothic]hehe…sounds great! :stuck_out_tongue: [/font]
[font=Century Gothic] [/font]
[font=Century Gothic]and the logo-$500…amazing!!:hugegrin:[/font]

Heheheh. If I got paid $500 for a logo… I’d work my *** off to make sure it was one fine logo.

I’d show it to ya, but I don’t have rights to it anymore. :slight_smile:

  1. That was what their old designer was gonna charge them for this crappy logo he made prior to mine.
  2. They were very happy.
    I made them 10 to choose from and then refined it!

what company did u design for?

so wait… how much would my noob flash site go for if i sell this to that counterstrike team

i designed but im exchanging it for some “power” on there server. [i can kick, ban, and do stuff to peeps that join]

  • Matt

A production company for lighting ( arenas, concerts, venues ).

You should charge as much as your work is worth

Ethically, I think my experience and design is worth a decent price, but again I wanted to get a “pulse” on the pricing since I have been out of the loop for a while working in-house for many years.

mg-90, i would say that site…well, i think somewhere around $50.
i dont wanna sound mean, but it doesnt have any animations…no pictures.

[font=Impact][size=7]kinda boring:z: [/size][/font]

if u spruced it up-add an intro, some more color, light, pictures, animations…it would be much better.

HOLY SH*T 50 BUX??!?!?!? IM RICH :smiley:

[6 dollars a week allowance]