Flash 5 or MX?

If someone’s starting off fresh… knowing nothing about Macromedia’s product… are they better off learning Flash5 or FlashMX? I’ve been gettin mixed reviews on both… if someone have dabbed in both… please do let me know which one is better…and easier.
Thanx in advance…

MX all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!


You can then join the kool kids on the MX forums :wink:

I have both, but since i got MX, i never looked back!

mx does everything 5 does and more…you will have two for one :wink:

and is best for you to learn in mx coz it has been so many changes from F5 to FMX…

FMX if you are starting to learn right now… Don’t even think about F5 stuff… =)

And don’t crosspost… :evil: