if i just tested loading an external swf into a movie clip, and it loaded fine… but it doesnt let me click any of the buttons or anything in it ( i imported a game i made into a different swf and i cant click the start button)… is that just how loadMovie works? or is there something i did wrong?
Uhhh, sounds like you did something wrong ;(
Your actions are probably wrong and in the external movie you are using _root. Given that _root is the first timeline in the hierarchy, then the whole thing changes when you load that movie into another movie. You need to use relative addressing (this, _parent, etc) instead of static addressing.
oh thats probably it… i did like everything with _root. but i (since posting this) decided a different way to present my stuff… im gonna have each one launch in a popup… i figured out how to do chromeless stuff (not from this site though… i had to download an example from somewhere else which used 2 .js files and some htmls to help it…) but i like how it looks… http://www.freewebs.com/scottgilmore/launch.html if you wanna see it (the menu is all i got so far)
Chromeless windows are evil ;(
Heres why…
The version you are using doesn’t work in IE6+, it shows up as fullscreen… and fullscreen + chromeless is like the spawn of 2 evils. If you really insist on using this script go to www.chromeless.org and get the updated version.
It only works for IE in windows. Every other browser and every other OS will just show a standard pop-up window… leaving chromeless windows only “useful” if all of your viewers are Windows IE users.
lol but they look so cool… too bad eh…
thanks for the info
is there any place to get code to just take away the menu bars and whatnot? all i really wanted to be able to do is launch little sub pages in their own window… can anyone tell me how to make a page into a popup or whatever…
Heres a javascript I wrote for having a centered standard pop-up window.
cool thanks
hey lostinbeta i tried your thing and it doesnt seem to work… i attached the files… but i dont see what i did wrong
i copy/paste the script into the head of the html… and in the flash i copy/paste your code to make sure i dont mess up any parameters and then i set them to my site… but it doesnt launch anything…
what did i do wrong? (files attached)
window names can only container a-z and 0-9, no spaces, punctuations or special characters. In your case you named it “Scotts site”, so you would have to remove the space. The name doesn’t really matter though (unless you are targetting the window for something else, which you aren’t) so you could name it asdfaeadaceaaserad if you wanted to.
thanks ill try to make it work again