My 2 first drawings in Flash!


I’ve just finished my two first drawings in flash. It didn’t quite turn out as planned so I would love some C&C on both pieces!



I really like the 2nd one. Did you trace an image or is it freehand?

As for the portrait. It’s also good but I think you should take the color out of the white area of the eye.

Nice work though.

Thanx alot!

The 2d is part freehand, part traced - about 50-50. I had to trace an image to get the perspectiv right. I’m glad you liked it, cuz it took forever to make it:)

I agree on the white in the eyes now that you mentioned it!

You also might want to try some more shading instead of hard lines on the portrait. The lines around the nose and under the eyes make the person look old.

just an idea.

Jupp, you got a point! But shading in flash is hard to do… Have you seen He’s got the hang of it:)

Hey, what do you think of my new footer? :slight_smile:

Yeah if you squint at it looks real good.

And you footer is good. Like a mini-site.