My favorite comic book villian

Scanned one of my drawings of Carnage and experimented with photoshop. Hope you guys like it. =)

wow! that looks so cool! good job!

I remember drawing carnage wayyy back when… I wish I could find those drawings… I must have thrown them out…

awsome, my fav villain was Onslaught from xmen…i MUST try drawing him sumtime he is fricken awsome

Thanks guys, I miss reading comic books, I have no more time. I don’t even know whats out these days in comic book stores. :-\

crap…thats what. None of the classic stuff…its all crap…

i used to be a comic bok junkie but now most of the stuff out is boring …jubba is right


hmm…I guess I’m not missing anything then. =) Onslaught huh, maybe I should try to draw him one of these days. =)

you dont know Onslaught?! :scream:

if you can draw onslaught you will be revered by me for ages :slight_smile:
when i become more “adept” at drawing i too shall draw him! i luv comic book drawings …

here is a spidey I did in Photoshop last year when the movie came out.
you guys are so impressive…this site rocks!

rookie posting here…spidey pic attached

oh wow, very nice ribcage, the muscles are nicely drawn and proportional. =)

sweet! that looks amazing…but couldn’t it have been a more actionisitic type pose? :stuck_out_tongue: that really does look awsome

I sorta just doodled , then scanned , then photoshop.
had a bunch a buildings in the background then deleted them.
didn’t know about layers back then either.
thanks for the feedback,i’m new at this so i shrank the image size so i could attach the file.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**hmm…I guess I’m not missing anything then. =) Onslaught huh, maybe I should try to draw him one of these days. =) **

waves clenched fist like Homer Simpson at Elec

*says like Homer “Draw it” *


Sorry Mak, Onslaught is gonna have to wait, I’m still workin on the Cinema 4D tutorials. :-\

ok buddy, as long as i get those photoshop crystal tutorials as well :bad: … *waves fist at Cinema 4d * :stuck_out_tongue: