My first flash thingie

well, sort of my first flash thingie …
just a scripted mask nothing fancy …

[edited by eilsoe - fixed URL]

Oh man, I don’t even know where to start with this one… I know it’s your first flash “thingie”, but I’ll try to point out some stuff that I noticed and be honest to you as possible.

First off, lose those lil boxes that’s scattered around, its annoying and it distracts the viewer’s eye from your content. Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should.

Next, your layout needs major work, what you have right now isn’t even considered a layout, it was just thrown together real quick. Plan it out, think of a color scheme, and build upon it.

When I first started flash, I threw every special effect I was able to do into my layout, it was cool to me cause I could do it, but it was horrible to viewers.

I know you’re new so its okay to make mistakes cause that’s how you learn so I hope you’re not offended. People always criticize my work, but I don’t let it get to me, just listen and learn. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll get better. =)

k dude … thnx for the advice.

Even though i don’t like to hear this ur probably right so i will
start making some minor changes :slight_smile:

btw. Electrongeek … i checked ur site …
u did this in only 3 months ???

WOW it is freaking kewl man !!!

kinda plain. no navigation. how long did it take you to do that? and i don’t know if it’s just me, but when i stop moving my mouse (cursor) the little bg squares stop moving too. maybe it’s just something wrong with my plugin…

one more thing is that the text in the text box needs to be manually scrolled horizontally because there is no scroll bar.

Thanks wierdo. =) My site went through a lot of changes before how it is now and its still going through changes. I’ve been designing webpages for about a year now, but I started with flash 3 months ago. Theres still a lot I need to learn and I’m sure you will too. =)

you really did this after only 3 months of flash experience? i admire your talent :slight_smile:
good luck!

Thanks Stigma, it’s been almost 4 months now to be more exact. =)

well i kinda think i posted my msg in the wrong forum …

i just wanted to show my scripted mask :slight_smile:

the blocks u see is a mc duplicated when u move ur mouse …
the duplicated mc’s mask a picture on background.

so it is not really a site :slight_smile:

i will take ur opinions in account when i really make a site


Not sure what was even going on…an ad popped up that covered scroll box, and even when it went away the scroll box text was too small to read. Then I clicked on the bar code and a kirupa page came up?
