My "happy land" website

[LEFT]This was more of an experiment than anything else, I had fun doin it :smiley:

Haha omg. My first reaction was ā€œWTF:lol:ā€
I dont like the menu, and well I kinda dont like anything except the background graphics :confused:

That sure is wacky, great job man!:slight_smile:

You might want to work on the frame rate a little, I had a couple seizures.

i actually really like it. the transitions need to be smoother, but theyā€™re ok. my only recommendation (after my first look. i will probably have more later) is to not bounce around your e-mail address on the contact page. i think the page should have some animation, but not the most important text.

I love it!

**Great Workā€¦

I really liked the concept, illustrations and presentation. Too good.**:thumb2:

Well Iā€™d have to admit I was sceptical at first, but I think itā€™s a good site, the artwork is funny and it really helps the site :smiley: gj.

I was very sceptical at the ā€œplease enter por favorā€ page, but as soon as saw the bunny I knew it was gonna be good. Just tweak the rame rate. Your twisted kinda graphics are really cool. I like it.

[ot]Also you love cheese. I love cheese (hence the footer). so its all good :D[/ot]

thanks for all the feedback :beam:

gj, well done. As posted before some smoother transitions and u got urself a cool wee site.

I was actually going to just close the window, but the more I viewed it, the more I actually went through the whole site and found that I didnā€™t mind the whole ā€œwackinessā€ that I thought I would mind at first. I think you have some strong portfolio pieces and Iā€™m not sure if this website is the ā€œbestā€ way to display it, but it works and its fun! Good stuff!

Loving the web site man. Its just crazy and well sets it apart from a lot of the current bunch. As Boon Dock said I donā€™t know if its best style to show off your portfolio work.

I might like it but Iā€™m at school and they only have Flash 4 and it wont let me update.