Hey guys, just wanted to see what you guys thought of my portfolio, I’d also appreciate any critiques you may have for improvements/bugs etc… Thx!!!
Your menu is really cool.
very nice colors and the layout…I dig that I found splash page to be a bit busy, you could do better job on rollovers
music loop is very cool and everything else seems to flow just right!
keep it up man!
Very awesome! I love the rollovers the transitions and of course the design.
The profile page comes in really choppy compared to the rest of the sections for some reason, perhaps a bug?
That’s quite the massive load size you have there as well. You might want to think about loading seperate movie clips instead of the whole site at once.
the pete one,
Thx for your reply, the menu was created in after effects.
thx for you input, I saw your site over at ultrashock, very nice, must have taken ages to create all that, in one of your posts you asked if you should put it into a full screen, I’d probably sugest having a small splash with the option of normal screen, or full screen, personally I’d love the full screen, but some people are picky about having it take over their computer.
hmmm, i see what you mean about the profile section, I didn’t really notice that till you just pointed it out. I’m gonna go back into it and have a look, my first conclusion was maybe it’s because of my profile pic, but I’ll have view the source! The site’s designed for strictly broadband users, I could go back and add seperate preloaders, may just do that actually. Thx for your critique wanyo!
So relaxing . . I’m going to look at this site before I go to sleep tonight. Love the rollover effects in your menu~ You should have bigger pictures of your photos though, and I think there’s a spelling error there ( ;aken instead of taken it looks to me). Great effort!
Massive loading wait. Reminds me too much of hmmmm… what was that site that won the Flash award last year or 2002… you know, the one with the fly on it… Love the fonts except for when you click on a subsection it looks like Arial 14 pt or something and kind of ugly and needless to say not combining much with the rest… Like the music loop though and the nav is original…
very good i like it how did you do your menu.
so calm…
i like it, whenever i see work like this on forums i always think to myself,
gee i am suuch a newb,
(thats a good thing 4 u)
Like it and dig the colors and music. I really wanted to center it vertically though. It looked funny crammed at the top of my screen. Could be just a firefox thing but something you might want to consider.
Thx for all the positive feedback guys!
*Vertically aligned just for you lunatic
Hey everyone, just finished adding a new transition style to the site, plz let me know if this one fits the theme better… Thx!!!