My little warrior (3d max)

He’ll have some spears/javelins in his armoury. I’m still not 100% on the shield, I think he’ll end up have some protective armour like medievil lancers wear. This is the latest on the texturing, I’ve still got a lot of modifcations to do, but its getting there.

mungle… lol!

Omg!! He’s so awesome :beam: :beam:

Are you gonna call him mungle? :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

Wow :!: great job on the texturing, Totally brings out the character. Looking great !! :slight_smile:

hahah nice fish eyes. :stuck_out_tongue:

wow that’s awesome! The only thing to point out is that I can ee the edge of the floor at the back! :stuck_out_tongue: But the model is awesome!

that’s brilliant :slight_smile:

Soul: haha spear wins :wink:

ironikart: colander! colander! :thumb:

Great model but the eyes look odd…

I think he should hold a spear and a longsword.

spear… and colander as a shield… that’d be sooo cool! :thumb:

I think I’m in love with Mungle :love:

  • Soul :s:

awesome texturing job… the skin look brilliant very rep-tillian… almost looks good enough to kill and eat… :slight_smile: You mentioned it before but why are you keeping it low poly?

Bahh dmn carnivores, see something nice and you automatically have to eat it! Can’t you just dmn look!? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

omgosh! i love this, :love: go get a gob in big time 3d!

*Originally posted by gpdesigner *
**awesome texturing job… the skin look brilliant very rep-tillian… almost looks good enough to kill and eat… :slight_smile: You mentioned it before but why are you keeping it low poly? **

the skin was sampled from several turtle photos… the eye needs a bit more work and I have to do alot of blending.

It must be his fish look that has everyone saying they want to dress him up in kitchenware.

It’s low poly for a comp - rider and steed have to come under 7000 polys and 2 1024x1024 texture maps. Maybe I’ll up the poly count for more detail later, but it might be easier to just re-model it. Gonna work on a few more robot ideas after this fella is finished.

Man, what you do is amazing ! Awesome job dude ! :thumb:

i still dont know how you do this…

Where do you work?

that is sooo good man, i’m very impressed!

@ morse: i totally agree, i have no clue how you guys do this either…

keep it comin. :slight_smile:

I’m an IT support consultant, but I’m looking at getting into 3d game design. I’m applying for positions this year. Gonna need alot of luck to get in though.

He’s ready for his weapons now. I’ve pretty much finished the texturing and rigged him with a skeleton for animation and posing. Still got heaps of poly’s to play with for the saddle (about 1500 - 2000) so I might make the weapons and saddle a little more extravagant. Shame to waste the polys.

excellent mate, well done, looks great! Now i wait for the Short film of this dude and his faithfull horse (oh , i mean Bear, lol) :beam: