My "Photography Journal"

I have been working on this for the past 2-3 days now, and think its come to the point where I’d say its ready.
Although… There might (probably is… and alot) be a few glitches here and there, so please visit and have a look-see. <— press “here”

What Im most interested in is:

  1. Are all the fonts embedded?

  2. How is the flow?

  3. Is the scroller a bit “bulky”?

  4. Overall design

I’d appreciate any and all comments critique.
(there will be more thumbs/images, I just haven’t gotton more resized yet)

Thanks in advance

  1. ? Look good to me
  2. All good for me (1Mb cable)
  3. Size is good, but stop it running away from the cursor
  4. Nice - Me likey

the preloader says nankb/nankb:(
loads fast enough on dialup, i like the colors too:thumb:

reverse the direction of the picture scroller and you’re good to go… nice clean sexy look

very nice. alittle dark on the photo scroller, mabye jsut lighten up the pics a tad bit more. but it looks very clean. thumbs up!


This is the flashlevel nav. I actually like the way it works. Needs more thumbs to work like it should.

On a different note…
I actually have a quaéstion maybe you can answer, since you originally got voetsjoeba to help with this.

Do you know how to change the AS, so the spacing between thumbs and the over symbol follows the width of the thumb image?

Thanks Apix,

Do you mean the black-transparent-fadeaway? lighten that or the images?

Appreciate the comments!

Thanks for answering all me questions :slight_smile:
I typically forget to embed the font somewhere, so just had to make sure
thanks for the nice comments

Does it say that to begin with or all the time?

yeah i mean like the image scroller is a tiny bit too subtle. try making the grey line under it a few shades brighter then u’ll be golden.

Very clean look, and some excellent shots that you have up thus far!

My only thing is on the biography page, the text is a little hard to read towards the bottom because of the transparency … but that’s really nit pickin it!


Great photos and nice clean design. One thing that kept happening is if i rolled over the any of the links to quickly it opened both at the same time.
Looks real good though.

Ahh… okay you mean the black line? Ill make it a little lighter to get more attention to the scroller.

I think the same aswell. I have a few suggestions:
Should I darken the transperancy or add black boxes, like I have done under “contact” ?

You mean “biography” and “contact”? I can try make the rollOut button a bit narrower, so no overlapping will occur.

Thanks for all the great feedback!
Any others have any idea as far as the width thing I asked Simplistik about in #6