My portfolio

Here is my protfolio. Enjoy!

Not bad!

Its a lot more stylish than my portfolio at

I find it awesume you did Pepsi Music! Thats a big client!!!


nice :slight_smile:

Didn’t even look at it. Your preloader just has a spinning arrow, no percent loaded or anything, so people with no ability to calmly wait things out will just leave if it takes more than a couple of seconds to load because there is no telling how long we’ll be having to sit there.

Also, it’s not really cool to put your own site in “Kool Sites”. If you’re posting your own work, put it in site check. If other people like your site they will put it in Kool Sites. This helps reduce the amount of crappy sites that show up in Kool Sites.

I look forward to seeing it if you add a percent loaded feature

Nothing really drew me into your website, is very bland and takes its time to load. I like minimalistic sites, but yours was a bit to plain. Too much black/grey.
I agree with the preloader problem, it needs an a % preloaded as i got a bit bored waiting for a few images to appear. Overall its ok, just needs to be more visually tasty

wait… shouldn’t this be in showcase?

i like your rollovers. how’d u do that? and the text-flashing stuff is cool too. could you tell me how you did those?:wink:

Seriously… The people who are picking out the preloader thing are complete fools… maybe they should get an idea of what design actually is… The site and the design is one of the best I’ve ever come across and really is superb… As for the rest of the people who don’t like it… Get a life… If you think that it sucks… Gimme a link of yer design… If any that is…!

Don’t try to pick out in others just because you can’t do the same thing… Get a life you losers… The one who made the site is what we call DESIGNER! Not a debugger that he/she will take care of yer machine’s loading time n all that s.hit!

woah there thelonephoenix no one is “picking” on it. Just giving their true opinion, no need to get all name calling ish.

As for the site, it’s ok. It didn’t jump out to me as “WOW this is a kool site”. The design is ok, not too hard to navigate. The people above me are right that the spinning preloader is kind of annoying. If the page only took a few seconds on modem then you don’t need a percent. This site took like 40seconds to load the picture of one of the sites, and I’m running 2 megabytes per second. I think it needs a bit more color also.

Either add a bit more color or add sound and it would be worlds better.

Overall Good Work!

Keep it up,

chill out.

post your work.

deal with it if people dont like it… everyone has an opinion.

Other than that, I dont dig this portfolio too much, just not my style, I’d like to see at least one color added for some contrast. Anyway you slice it - those are some pretty high profile clients - nice job on that!


You definately need to chill out. Everyone is intitled to their opinion. And for you insinuating that you’re a “designer” while everyone else isn’t is just rediculous. How about you give us a link to your design. IF ANY.

As for the site. It looks good man :). I like it. Nice smooth and professional. One thing though… why when I try to click then links to enter does it replay your opening animation again? Is it supposed to do that?

a bit too choppy for my taste and the flashing in the loader and navi is really annoying, cant really say more. I dont love it, but i aint hating it :slight_smile:

man you have a wicked client list! sh*t!! :slight_smile:

is that client list for real? Those sites look way better than your personal one.

niceeee :slight_smile:
one thing that kind of bugging me is that the way to enter your site.
i found it difficult and took some times before I figured out how, I was even randomly clicking try to find out where the button to enter is.

other than that its cool

not going to bother commenting on ‘the lone phoenix’

no respect to registering and posting your site in ‘kool sites’… in my opinion we should create a new category ‘bland sites’

i found it very useable and easy to navigate. ditto to the preloader comments.
it had zero personality in it which is a shame because you clearly have skills.

you seem to be scared of colour?!?! it needs work so post it in critiques not here

oh and your font blurs

I dont wanna join the controversy going on about the preloader thingy… because em not a designer, and i dont have workload of my own to show. But i think the site is kool. I agree that it takes quite a while for the pictures to load but, its not that long anyway. About the preloader… i think its really his way of designing his site for his portfolio.

If he’s not that good… these 3 known companies (Dell, Sony and Pepsi) would have not trust him/her in the first place to design a website for them.

Man… you got some heavy clients there… All i can say is respect :thumb: Haaaaaaaayyyy I wish i can be a designer too :-/

just one thing…how do i visit the client’s homepages??? U click visit and like it just opens a slightly bigger pan view of teh screenshot :S