Photoshop is pretty cool!
Nice effects can be done!
the third image is wicked.
Yeah, I like the third one the best, it blends great with the guy in white.
Friggin Sweet !!!
I like the third one, too! The others are ****
I made typo in the file name though, it should be hitman2-1.jpg not htiman2-1.jpg
I masked out the guy there and added some kinda effect to the background and that’s it =)
the red thing comin out of the gun on the third picture is supposed to be a laser but it looks like a frozen red icycle or sumthin’
You should try masking out his face, or whole body and then doing a radial blur on the rest… that would be pretty sweet.
like this?
I liked the original much better.
I don’t think you should do anything to the original.
me too! It appears as he’s flying or something …
Kinda… except dont use the “spin” method… select the “zoom” method and put the setting around 25 - 35. Here;s a quick example here
It looks fine in the origonal too… I just like this effect, esp if you spen a bit more time on it!
well! spin is closer to rotation than zoom! You said only “rotation blur” so I applied a spin!
here’s another exepriment! Pretty cool to match several pictures
yeah I know… the zoom effect is under the Radial Blur filter effect, weird huh?
Not too bad on the photo combination… try moving him slightly to the left and then adding a shadow on the ground… that would be sweet. Just one little thing like that adds a whole level of realism to it… keep it up!
Yeah! Everything is in wierd places in photoshop!
e.g. When you want to color the are selected (only the area selected) then you go image->adjustments->colorbalance or something but that one should affect the whole image not only the selection :-\
yup… it gets annoying if youre using like three or four different proggies to make something and everytime you jump between them you have to rethink where all the commands are… grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :evil:
yep! It’d be cool if thre would be PhotoShop 8 and everything would be in the right places… everything fixed n’ stuff.
Instead of having
Blur -> motion, rotation…
I’d just put
Blur and there you can choose between radial, rotation, spin, zoom …
I don’t have any problems where things are located in Photoshop.
Perhaps I am just used to it. I have been using it since version 6.
I’ve been using sinse ver 5 and I dont find it to be a problem when I am just in photoshop… but too often this is not the case and photoshops layout and location of functions is unique - so jumping back and forth between it and others gets me confused and looking in the wrong places in photoshop and other programs. Dont get me wrong I love photoshop and think everything about it is almost perfect… just different.
I haven’t used any other program other than Photoshop so I don’t have that problem
man it’s hard to make a shadow. If I decrease the brightness it becomes grey and …
I spent a lot of time doing it and all I came up with was this:
check this out!