this is the fifth times i make vector image…still new…need some feedback.thanks
I like it, my only observation is that the guy is too for lack of better word “white”, I would suggest a skintone and adjust the shades accordingly. The headphones are nice. Good work
PS: That’s not a BB hat he’s wearing…?
oo…that skin…i made this vector image if it’s like it take its own picture. so the skin color have to be brighter than normal for the camera light effect.
but thank anyway for the comment d100763.
like d100763 I think the pic is a bit over exposed; which means in turn that the face may lack some features… and the ‘censored’ tag looks sort of out of place (because not in vector)
yup…it sure not suitable for vector image…thanks mlk…but what are your jugdement about the whole image? is it ok?
the edges on the shirt seem a little less uniform in smoothness than the rest of the image. is this a hand drawn image (ie traced in illustrator or free hand) or is it a PS filter combination with the cutout filter? either way i like it.
I don’t care if your trying to get a “camera flash” effect of not the guy is way to bright. Even if you do take a pic of yourself you can see better contrast than what you have.
i done this image in PS using pen tool…well, everyone seems to be talking about the skin…maybe to much of using Oil of Olay i guess. lol…thanks anyway guys…i’m still new to this kind of technique…so any advise will be useful.
for you guys information, the vector guy didn’t wear any shirt.
I think what we are trying to communicate is that the picture is way too bright and in turn hard on hte eyes. If you look at most illustrations (good ones) you see that there is this all white look only rarely used. Giving the face a little more detail would help you curb the white and add skintones.
look at this example. It is done by a pro…but it should give you an idea on why to use skintones instead of the good ol’ #FFFFFF
ooo man…that’s really good…i can say that’s true…thanks for the reminder d100763. so have any one of you done any vector image? which ane is better, illustrator or Photoshop?
illustrator of course; I like what you did and the image is pretty clean; it
s just the skin tones that bother me; and that mouth sticker =)
i’m going to post my another vector image…hope it’s better…
this is another one…this time, no tag.
Much better…I like the detail on the lips and the wrinkles in the sweater…
thanks d100763. any more things that need to be enhance or something?
this time the skin color not white any comments needed.
lol, u people critique too much, the first pic is very good, yes maybe its too white but its not a problem to say that it hurts the eyes, the second one is excelent :thumb:
i appretiate that berkoWitZ, but you can’t say that there’s nothing wrong with the second image…right?
so i guess there’s notinh wrong with second image…thanks then.
it wouldn’t make much sense to post if it turns into the "everything is cool forum…I agree for first try it’s good work, but the white was a bit much on the occipital lobes…