Need some [i]more[/i] critics!

Hay all,

You guys really helped out a lot last time i posted my site. I made some of the changes suggested and i just wanna know if you guys think im headed in the right direction.


i like the look and feel

under services, nothing worked and it does not look like there is anything there yet.

iā€™d like to see the animations a little faster and how about making the selected topicā€™s button inactive when Iā€™m on that section? and maybe an indication that shows the selected button in the down or in a disabled state.

all in all, i like it:)

yea i had to redo some of it, so its not all functional just yet. a day or so it should all be together.:smirk:

Nice start

What is the size of your main swf? you might want to try externaly loading some of the content becasue your main seems to be gettign really full.

I liked the look of the site. Kind of has a skcetch look to it. I liked your contact section. the way the sections scale in and out looked pretty cool. Be sure to post when you are finished so i can give a better review.

hey DeV, I like the rollover effect under services (the tab sliding out). do you think the same should happen on all the links, like in ā€œaboutā€?

that prety much wehre im goin with it right now

by the way subquark, by the way the verdana in the news section is in html size -7, the color is #333333. i think thats what makes it look that way, its not as bold so it kinda just smoots out a bit.

kinda just smoots out a bit.

itā€™s late. go to bed, or have one of these:


haha, yea ive been in front of this machine for much too longā€¦ gooooooood niiiiiiiight! (-: