New site check

Please check out my new business site at
Let me know if there is anything that is not working or that anybody does not like.



works, nice design, quick loading

the site looks very good:A+:, i spacially like the intro. But the blue doesn’t go with rest of teh color maybe you should change it?

There is too much info on your site, too much text to read on and on and on. Blue…maybe a darker shade of blue, intro got me really exited, but inside I think u need less text and maybe add a graphic montage somewhere, a nice image here and there…you know just to give it a life.

good start


Nice site, but instead of having “Inspire” maybe you can put “Inspiration” other than that it’s a nice site. As well, you can maybe change the blue to a different shade of grey

very nice intro. the fly around view of the w is great. what program did you use? swift 3d? plasma? anyway the intro was great then all of a sudden…wam!!! i’m hit with a strikenly plain site. i expected a cool site. sorry

ok few things i noticed.
1st - the intro is on a diff pg so try to make the swf in the html be in the same placee. when i hit skip intro, the swf jumped a bit so you wanna make it so that when you hut skip, it looks like it never changed pgs

2- on the sites drop shadow, theres like a white line on the right hand side that shows where to 2 spit.

also like mrmass said, theres too much text.granted i dont like to read but lol

but theres too much and the text looks kinda fat and chunky making the whole thing look condensed.
also the menu butt or sub buttons could be a bit bigger, theyre hard to read


nice… awsome site. i enjoyed viewing your videos=)

ok… bit slow