whatcha think?
Very nice textures, where did you get them?
textures are generic, what is good is te render. :). i wonder what a crazy mech model would look like with wood texture ponders
lol, I’ve done that before, they look like wooden toys. I’ll post an image later, this should be funny. =)
nonono what would be cooler… is to carve a hugh mech OUT OF wood :ninja:
uhuh pretty good caustics Hardnox, whats the renderer you use ? 3ds ?
Yeah… The shadows are the interesting part. I’m still using Max 3 which doesn’t include caustics or radiosity. I’m guessing Maya?
textures are generic as mentioned… its a skylight system with a light tracer system and radiosity on 4 omni lights… all done in Max 5.1
some comments for a newbie :
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actually its very nice, but on the ‘donuts’ you can see where the texture wraps, you should change this