Newbie over his head

3rd times a charm right?

yes! yes it is a charm!!! I’ve finally managed to do it perfectly!!! and you know the best thing, I understand how and why it works!!! OK I’ll make up the rest of the buttons and I’ll let you know when all is done! thankyou again for all your help these past 80 posts lol :slight_smile:

  • John

WOO HOO! AWESOME! The best part is that you understand. If you didn’t understand then it would be a mess in the future.

You know I want to see that when it is finished right? We worked so hard on it, it is like a child to me…hahahah…just kidding.:slight_smile:

ok I sent the almost final version to your e-mail, the rest i’ll fill in tomorrow! g’night!!!

  • John

Very nice so far:)

OK I think this is the finaly menu that’ll be in my web-page… just a couple of changes…

(it’s in your e-mail)

  • John

I replied to your e-mail:)

I already have them as links, and they work fine :slight_smile:

Awesome! Good work leo.

This is non-Flash related but its related to my menu, using HTML how can I get the user to click an image (a JPG), and have it open in a new window that fits the size of the image being viewed, I can only get it to open the window in a small size…

  • John

Hehe, javascript is my area. I included an .txt file on creating pop-up windows in HTML. I hope it helps. I have attached it to many posts on this forum and everyone that has read it has been able to get it to work, so you shouldn’t have a problem.

thx for the java, but I decided it would get annoying if every pic opened up in a new window… so I’m gunna just get em’ to open up in the frame : )

  • John

heh this post is popular…it would take me days to read through all of it… hehe :slight_smile:

believe me you wouldent want to lol, Lost has just been helping me with some Flash, took a while but we got there in the end…

  • John

hehe ok :slight_smile:

Yes, we are finally there=) !!!

I wish you luck on your site leo, no matter what you decide to do:) If you have a lot of images it is probably better you put them in the frame, because the code in your page could get redundant and I never wrote a .txt file for the “advanced” pop-up windows.

I have about 100 images I want ppl to be able to view, obviously not all on the same page, about 12 pics of each car (9 cars in total) - I’ll just get a real simple Java, I just dont want to have to make a new HTML page for each image…

  • John

Hehe, that is what I like about PHP. You can create 1 page and have your images load in there dynamically. I am still learning PHP, so please don’t ask me how to do that.

Ok, I am going to try and explain my other way of popping up windows. I am typing this right here right now, so if there are any errors let me know. (Please replace [] with <> since the board converts HTML I had to do that)

First I want you to copy and paste this code in between your [HEAD] [/HEAD] tags.

<SCRIPT LANUGAGE="javascript">
function newWin(page,winName,w,h,scrollb,resize) {
var win=null;
centerWidth = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0;
centerHeight = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-h)/2 : 0;
settings =
win =,winName,settings);

This creates your function to pop up the windows. This only has to go in there once. Unlike the first one I sent you, that had to go in every time you wanted a new window. You would have copied and pasted that 100 times, that would have sucked.

Ok, now I will guide you through using this on a link (I am using text, but the same method can be used in the getURL of flash).

<A HREF="javascript:newWin('','lostinbeta','300','200','0','0')">Open New Window</A>

Ok, now to explain this. The way the function goes is this

<B>newWin(‘URL’, ‘windowName’, ‘width’, ‘height’, ‘scrollable’, ‘resizeable’)</B>

0 = False
1 = True, so if you want it to be resizeable just change 0 to 1.

All you have to do is add that code to your links for your images. Then you can change the height and width of each window directly in your link:)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

PS: This will also center your pop-up window no matter what the screen resolution.

thx I’ll give that a go…