Non-Geek Hobbies

Okay, I’m not a stranger to Karaoke, I’m usually really drunk though and I only do a couple songs that are funny like Ode to my car - Adam Sandler and Just a Gigalo - David Lee Roth

This is one of the worst pics of myself, but it’s great for a laugh. I used to be a band in 96 so, when I’m drunk, I can really get into it…why am I putting this here!!

Oh, brother…

MOuntain bike, ultimate frisbee, tennis

HHahahaha, no matter how many non-geek things we do… we’re all geeks!

Okay: Me:

surf whenever I can get a board thats good for me
freedive or nightdive and spear fo’ fish
try to get in to bars Yeah, this one is great fun because I am under 21, but just about anywhere in the world I can drink except the USA!
Weightlift As i can only go everyother day its not that effective :frowning:
Check out chicks at starbucks favorite pass time…

And of corse:
Drink vodka
Sing Communist Party Songs
Drink more vodka
Plot the distruction of you Capitalist pigs!

i go shooting, skateboard, camp, go camping, travel, play bball, ride my go-ped, and a whole bunch of other stuff i cant remember right now

*Originally posted by ahmed *
**deal pot (very true!) :stuck_out_tongue:

smokes up at least twice a day, pimps at night, goes back and smokes some more, deals on free time… **

Hmmmmmmm, so thats your secret.

Calls in for delivery:azn:


I like to go through my collection of Victorian soaps… every night

  • Soul :s:

Okaaaay. :slight_smile:

I’ve realised that I spend a scary amount of time decorating and sorting out my house. Does that count as a hobby? :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t you like my soaps?

no. that counts as weird. (-:

I’m allowed to have a collection! It’s just like collecting stamps or pens!

In my non-geek time, if I ever have such times, I prefer reading. My most recent endeavors after having finished The Complete Volumes of Sherlock Holmes are to finish [URL=“”]Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance , half-way through [URL=“”]Swimming Across: A Memoir by Andy Grove , and one CD left in the audio version of [URL=“”]Good to Great

Besides that, I play WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne with NaliWarCow (the same one who drew the disturbing pic of 28 and a vicious man-eating tiger-donkey (thx CP!)). I also try to make sure I watch every episode of Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, Becker, The Practice, Yes Dear!, Modern Weapons, Sworn to Secrecy, and anything on the National Geographic/Animal Planet/Discovery/TechTV that I usually miss.

Bah - how could I have forgotten the two things that I truly hate (and have been hating for the past two years): working out and running (alternating daily).

Edit 1 thx to Thor: I signed up for Computer Club, but for some reason the club never met the first time, and by the time I found out the place the club was going to be held the second time school, I was kidnapped into the most useless clubs; namely FBLA (Future Biz Leaders of America) and Key Club (which is were most of the incriminating pics of nali and I were taken).

QuickEdit: I hope you are happy now RB…I for one am not :slight_smile:

Kirupa :ub:

Kirupa, Ethan said NON-Geek!:stuck_out_tongue:

When im not here trolling the forums or at work or at school, I’m out doing one of these things:

<li>shooting pool
<li>working out at the gym
<li>bar hopping

Soul puts the soap on his skin.

Nooo!!! That was a secret :frowning: How else am I meant to get it this baby soft :sure:

  • Soul :s:

I thought it was Alpo’s Canned Premium Chow for Mountain Huskies =) It gives your skin and hair a natural shine (and softness)…not that I would know or anything. Even though I have noticed the more I eat at the school cafeteria, the faster I am able to run, the higher I am able to jump, and the better I become at playing frisbee.

Soul puts the soap on its skin, or else it gets the hose again….That’s right, precious, it gets the hose again.

At least it can’t be considered a dirty habbit.

wow, kirupa (jeez, i keep thinking you have a real name that’s not ‘kirupa’), you lead a very simple life. i like that :thumb:

I would’ve been more outgoing had i gotten my license earlier. now that i have it, i have to wait another week for my darned insurance to kick in. I really have no life. I would rather go out with friends to party and whatnot instead of sitting at this here computer or watching a movie by myself; however I find myself doing those things anyway, as much as I want to get out. It’s real sad sometimes. I’d pace around my room trying to figure out what to do that night, but before i would know it, it would be late in the evening already.

at college, i didn’t much like going to parties with my friends because they were absolute dicks when they got drunk. i still got out though. drunk girls are the most interesting people you’ll meet ever. I never took advantage of that, though and i never would. I could get really smashed, but i’d still keep my ethics.

i am/was in a band once. we played covers and played at about 5 gigs; nothing too big, friend’s house, school, birthdays. it was the greatest feeling. not once did i get embarassed to play in front of everyone. as a matter of fact, my first gig was at school, i started playing the first song, but i didn’t hear what i was playing. i was lead guitar, but our vocalist also played guitar, so i was safe. I looked around confused and wondered what was going on, I checked my guitar and everything and looked stupid. then one of my friends in the crowd gallantly turned up the volume on my amp. that was it. I felt so stupid for not checking that first.

i didn’t do much at high school, i did crew for my first or second year but left to handle some other matters. I was going to do ice hockey but my parents didn’t want me to, that pissed me off to no end. I was going to do lacrosse, but same thing. GAH! I ended up playing piano for the choir coughlosercough** which was ok. I played at concerts, church, the homeless, whatnot. I was in the French club for about 15 minutes (just to get in the picture for the yearbook). i was also in the video production club, where we did crazy stunts, like jackas**s to a lesser degree. we got one of my friends’ hand stuck in a vending machine, which we videotaped as he squirmed about trying to get free. good times. good times.

well that’s about enough of me. i’ll leave it up to you guys to decide whether or not what i did was non-geeky.

Definitely non-geeky. After all, does this :bu: look geeky to you?