wow, kirupa (jeez, i keep thinking you have a real name that’s not ‘kirupa’), you lead a very simple life. i like that :thumb:
I would’ve been more outgoing had i gotten my license earlier. now that i have it, i have to wait another week for my darned insurance to kick in. I really have no life. I would rather go out with friends to party and whatnot instead of sitting at this here computer or watching a movie by myself; however I find myself doing those things anyway, as much as I want to get out. It’s real sad sometimes. I’d pace around my room trying to figure out what to do that night, but before i would know it, it would be late in the evening already.
at college, i didn’t much like going to parties with my friends because they were absolute dicks when they got drunk. i still got out though. drunk girls are the most interesting people you’ll meet ever. I never took advantage of that, though and i never would. I could get really smashed, but i’d still keep my ethics.
i am/was in a band once. we played covers and played at about 5 gigs; nothing too big, friend’s house, school, birthdays. it was the greatest feeling. not once did i get embarassed to play in front of everyone. as a matter of fact, my first gig was at school, i started playing the first song, but i didn’t hear what i was playing. i was lead guitar, but our vocalist also played guitar, so i was safe. I looked around confused and wondered what was going on, I checked my guitar and everything and looked stupid. then one of my friends in the crowd gallantly turned up the volume on my amp. that was it. I felt so stupid for not checking that first.
i didn’t do much at high school, i did crew for my first or second year but left to handle some other matters. I was going to do ice hockey but my parents didn’t want me to, that pissed me off to no end. I was going to do lacrosse, but same thing. GAH! I ended up playing piano for the choir coughlosercough** which was ok. I played at concerts, church, the homeless, whatnot. I was in the French club for about 15 minutes (just to get in the picture for the yearbook). i was also in the video production club, where we did crazy stunts, like jackas**s to a lesser degree. we got one of my friends’ hand stuck in a vending machine, which we videotaped as he squirmed about trying to get free. good times. good times.
well that’s about enough of me. i’ll leave it up to you guys to decide whether or not what i did was non-geeky.