Non-Geek Hobbies

just a quick note to Kirupa: That’s not a spotted horse! its a vicious tiger-donkey! (check out the thread in random)

wellllll this could be a bit difficult. lets see:

Football (Soccer): I play defence, and I have the strongest most accurate Toe-Punt in the world!

Guitar: I play hard-rock!

practice Tae-Kwan-do at home: and various other martial arts.

I am sure there is something else that I do…

oh i forgot to mention i was also in the programming club :nerd:

Thats my kinda hobby!

editing previous post: don’t want to spam :slight_smile:

i like to party that includes: being drunk, stoned, happy, stupid etc. I enjoy bodybaording, drawing and lsitening to experimental music. yah

if I’m not working, or just being a pain here… I am usually found in front of a stage, listening to some sort of live music… I’m fortunate, SF has a lot of free concerts throughout the summer/fall, plus there are quite a few I have to pay for, but I still must go se them. Ben Harper is the 15th…

I’ve seen him at least 10 times, but I am just as excited as if it were the first time…


Awww Revs in love :wink:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Awww Revs in love :wink: **

since the day I saw him in 1993…



Ben Harper? sounds familiar…

right now, Jack Johnson is opening for him…


Jack Johnson!

The Hawaiin Super Hero (even though he aint hawaiin)
Jack rocks!

Friday Night, 10:16pm:

where i am: at home on the computer.
where i should be: out, partying.

im pathetic ;(

“Non-Geek Hobbies”

what is this? I dont understand!

Ive never heard of this term Non-Geek, and Hobbies in the same sentence, im confused…

does geek things on his computer

Im not so good at english but what is realy a Geek ? I:-)

like a nerd, only, not quite as… nerdy… something like that.


[size=1]some of them are bad :([/size]

ok but im not a Nerd, I hate them lol :b:

trace("geek" == "nerd") // outputs 'false'

Denial’s not just a river in Egypt, Blastboy!!

“I’m not a nerd. Nerds are smart”

well my geek hobbies include flash, computer games, surfing the net… Oh wait, you want NON-geek hobbies, well here’s a list