Non-Geek Hobbies


They are smart just in pc stuff or somethingā€¦

BUT they are not expert in living or having friends or maybe sport lol :cool:

I hate them because they think they are the best.

Dont take me wronge I allways say what I mean :crazy:

If you are wondering if you are a geek, here is your way to test.

You argue your point that you are not a nerd and that geeks are cooler than nerds. Which they totally are!

so it is settled, we are all geeks, not nerds, nerds suck, geeks rule.

Does that sound right?

This is just my 2 cents, but I think Nerds are mathmatically and scientifically smart. They spend hours trying to solve quantum physics equations. Nerds are also socially retarded.

Geeks are computer smart. They spend hours trying to photochop pictures of people into other photos. And while they tend to still be socially retarded, it is not as severe as nerds.

P.S. Geeks can be nerds too, and nerds can also be geeks.

well umm a long time ago a few year far far away i used to draw alot, then i found this thing thats called a pc and i stopped drawing which is very $t00pid on my part, i used to also read comic books 91 diffrent titles a month to be exact i got over $50,000.00 in comic books, i used to also play videogames alot nowadays i watch my 4 year old play, the only thing i do that normal people do is work go to college and go to the movies everynow and then either than that im always being a geek or trying t bu an ubersuperdupergeek

I skateboardā€¦ drawā€¦ hang with pplā€¦ complainā€¦ ya knowā€¦ whatever