Noob needs explaining again :/

noob wonders again… on that site, the border of those content boxes are they just black inner glow effect on a plain green box or ? I tried inner glow effect but i didnt get the same result or even close result… so can anyone explain what kind of effects are done for that content box?

I dont thing that is a inner glow but a inner shadow I could be wrong. What program are you using? In fireworks I know a little trick. But all you have to do is make the distance/offset small and mess with the halo effect. If you cannot get it let me know what color and size you need and I can make one for you. But it would be better if you did it.

im using photoshop… but i do have fireworks too can you teach me?

can anyone help me here?

hi … i’m not really sure what it is u want …

but to me it looks like the borders could have been done like this

select ur main border (ctrl-d on ur shape)
create a new layer above ur main shape
now go to edit>stroke
select a value of 1 or 2 pixels, darkgrey colour (or what u like)
click ok

u’ll now have an outline of ur shape
blur the outline layer till it looks cool
then drag it below ur main shape

dunno if this is what u meant though …


it’s not too hard to achieve a very similar effect using this method:

  1. get the shape you want (e.g square, whatever)

  2. give it the colour you want (the main colour)

  3. i don’t use photoshop, so i’m not sure if you can do this, but you need to have a perfectly aligned copy of your main shape that has no b/ground colour, just a stroke… choose the colour that you want the darker edges to be, also the stroke needs to be about 7 pt (experiment)

  4. blur the outline, then either - select the outside bit and delete it or - use a clipping path with the other object, so all you have is the inner half of the blurred thing.

dunno if this is explained well or not…

hope it helps