Nothing much

I made this because… umm… well actually I wanted to fiddle some more with Depth of Field (DOF) in max, but ended up recreating it in PS7… :-\

I might use this as part of the general design of my site… maybe…

It’s not much, but it looks nice to me… nothing fancy…

fake DOF in photoshop / A-rev design prospect

pretty cool Eilsoe, I should try DOF in C4D, never done that before.

DOF can create many ultra realistic effects… just try it…

slap on some real life textures, use a cam, and then DOF the livin’ snot outta it… :wink:

how? i dont get what it is really…

he’s just showing how u can use depth of field effects in max…

i’m not sure what you’re asking mdipi… are you asking what depth of field is?

it’s a technique used (esp in photography and film i think) to keep focus on certain elements, traditionally through the use of different lenses and zooms. You blur out the stuff you don’t want in the background and/or foreground and keep the focus on one bit, so in eilsoes pic it’s those blocks in the middle… it can work even better when there’s a clear subject for the pic

dunno if that’s what you wanted :stuck_out_tongue:


exactly, Pie :slight_smile:

altho this time I just rendered a clear image of my boxes, and manually added the DOF in photoshop…

very cool! I think I figured it out how to make that in ps! :wink:

Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I hate him. :slight_smile:

Eilsoe, you’re too good for your own good, you know that? :beam: It’s very cool.

YEah I hate him too! he makes me feel so dumb and so can’t-do-anything-in-ps-dumb! :angry: :wink:



All I did was render it clear, then duplicate the pic in ps to 2 layers, then the top layer I added a gauss blur, adn then added a mask layer TO it… Then a gradient clear-black-clear to erase some of the masked layer…

and voila… :slight_smile:

He makes it sound so effortless! :sure:

well it IS! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah it is pretty simple a couple of clicks and adjust your camera. But it came out real nice…I like it

Doesn’t matter how simple it is, as long as it comes out nicely :beam:

Amen to that…I love simple.

Actually you used photoshop to achieve your results. Not simple. It looks real cool you had me fooled. I guess I should have read the full post.

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**Doesn’t matter how simple it is, as long as it comes out nicely :beam: **

that´s the spirit! =) well, the lazy spirit anyways :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s great.
How can you do something in ps ?

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**How can you do something in ps ? **


*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**It’s great.
How can you do something in ps ? **

well, first you´ll have to install ps in your puter, then, open it up and…

…do something! HAHA!:stuck_out_tongue:

guig0, that’s just plain cruel :stuck_out_tongue: