Now Im off to NYC

Whoa whoa whoa, let’s not make fake accusations here. There’s one about two minutes from my house. :drool:

Thats good news man.

I heard otherwise.

FESTER I LIVE IN SANTA CLARA!! (ok 5 minutes from it)

Lol, ask me on AIM, too much to say here :thumb:

Well I am finally in San Jose.

Big pimpin in my Mustang (rental) :p:

You would think that a three hour time difference is no big thing. But I am all messed up.

There is a Huge Adobe building right my window with an adobe logo the size of texas on it.

I brought my cam but an on a dial up connect so I will post some pics when I get back.

Beautiful evening isn’t it?

Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here in the Golden State. :sigh:

Go to the San Francisco. Go to Pier 39. Go to a small corner cubcile called “Trish’s mini donuts”. Heaven on Earth. Not kidding. lol

Have fun—I just got back from colorado last night (sunday) and the two hours screwed with me a bunch getting up for work this morning…

Dont kill yourself in the mustang…You should make a pit stop in Vegas on the way home on Parker of course!


He won’t, it’s probably a V6. :sure:[/ot]

you’ve never seen Fester drive!!! especially if he is looking for a dunkin donuts in the morning

Had a blast :beam:

Didnt get a chance to stop off in Vegas. Still on my to do list. :hugegrin:

Hey man, glad you are back! I hope you had a great time bro :slight_smile: Any pics!?

Thanks Man!!! :thumb:
I didnt get a chance to take too many pictures but here are a few.

I dont know how you guys drink this stuff. That is Californian water. Looks more like milk.

Here is the hall during setup.

A couple of co-workers working the booth.

The convention center

The convention center again

My fun arse rental

My fun arse rental again

Out my hotel window. I was lucky enough fo have a room with the flight paths to SJ International right over my very room. Its a good thing I didnt intend on sleeping. Every plane looked like it was going to crash into that building.

Chicago from the airplane.

Not the most interesting pictures. I didnt carry my camera around too much. But all in all it wasnt a bad trip.

Did you have some kind of filter on your camera dude… some of those pics have some CRAZY colour!

And that glass of milk is gross! :wink:

eh, you gotta let the water ‘settle’ before it clears up… haha i know, i know - ‘how disgusting’… welcome to California…

I think I had the camera on and indoor setting the whole time. I took the pics using the LCD so didnt know they were funky until I downloaded them today.

lol…let it settle first. Pleh.

Hey hey fester! Welcome back to the source of all things good - the eastern half of the country :stuck_out_tongue:

wait you took the chicago picture on the airplane? how is that possible?

My flight home had a connection at Ohare.

Just took the shot from the plane window.

I dont know how you guys drink this stuff. That is Californian water. Looks more like milk.

Yeah you have to let it settle for like 15 seconds… lotsa flouride! I use a filter so… :stuck_out_tongue:

I resent that. sets Kirupas’ pants on fire Bwahahhaa…

woah - didn’t read the caption on that…that is pretty disgusting for water. The pictures look nice fester :ro: