Now Im off to NYC

Welcome back fester… and don’t drink the tap water. :wink:

:lol: Hey, us “west sidaz” have some cool…uh “good things”. :smiley: Phoenix is a great city. As is lots of NoCal areas. Oregon is alright… (if you can get a job… thats what you get when you let liberals run a citycough cough)

Seattle is nice too.

The west rocks also! I don’t want to start an east-coast, west-coast rivalry…again :stuck_out_tongue:

West Siiiiide!!!

Sorry, I felt I had to put that in there… but back to the topic: Insert back to topic phrase here.

yup … the water is absolutely toxic …
hence the liberal use of distilled liquids instead

great to see you back safely Fester, I heard about a few shootings down that way on the news… I was in the Napa / Sonoma whine - I mean wine - country working all that week and had thoughts about cruising down and looking you up but I crashed out each night … :-/

… since you didn’t mention it, I suppose you didn’t look up the Rev …
(what the Heck happened to him anyway (???))

anywho - those outside shots of the convention center look pretty good actually - resembles an artists rendering more than a photo


Its not toxic! Just a lot of flouride! Which is good! Lots of healthy minerals!

:upset: :upset: :upset: have you ever researched flouride ???
…a snippet…
[size=1]“Fluoride was the key chemical in atomic bomb production, according to the documents. Massive quantities of fluoride—millions of tons—were essential for the manufacture of bomb-grade uranium and plutonium for nuclear weapons throughout the Cold War. One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride rapidly emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the U.S. atomic bomb program—both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal.”
“Much of the original proof that fluoride is safe for humans in low doses was generated by A-bomb program scientists, who had been secretly ordered to provide “evidence useful in litigation” against defense contractors for fluoride injury to citizens. The first lawsuits against the U.S. A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show.”[/size]

Flouride is Deadly

…I only drink distilled water in my house

I used to always get flouride treatments at the dentist?

Well - thank goodness for the New England water, doesnt get better than this!

looking at the shot of the water I spotted something.

Do you bite your fingernails fester :wink:

There were some interesting shootings while I was down there. I hear about them everyday in Boston but there was something different about cali cappings.

Like the one where this dude was following his siter, and this car of spanish guys cuts her off. The brother playing big tough guy speeds up and flips out on the spanish guys. Spanish guys throw gang signs then empty four rounds of buck shot into the guys car and face while doing 60 MPH on the highway. Last I heard the guy was going to be alright, but it was a very entertaining news story.

You should have swung by man. Especially wed. night. Me and a few co workers did it right that night.

I also dont think Rev would have been interested in shooting up to see me. He never liked me that well.

Nice catch man. Yep I bite my nails bigtime. Although I dont think I am alone on this one. I remember someone posted a survey here of random questions not too long ago and that was one of the questions. There was an overwelming amount of folks that do here.

yeah I bite them too…must be something about working with computers, I think it would be hard to type with long nails, that why I bite them anyway :wink:

RaBell-thats funny thats how I knew it was him holding the glass of water, his nails.

Thats actually somewhat long-must not have been a stressful trade show, usually before shows there is nothing left on wither thumb!

Your right it wasnt that stressful at all.
I had a lot of fun. :beam:

Apparently my bird was more stessed considering she ripped out 7 huge feathers in the week I was gone.

eh :puzzled:

oh right, bird means something different in the UK.
Got confused for a second there :slight_smile:

Does mean this nIm :stunned: in the UK

I think bird means girl in the UK

7 :td: thats no good…they werent tails were they??

Two were.

The rest were huge flight feathers. She is way more attached to me now that we share a room. Kinda sucks that I feel bad now going away at all.

Fester, how many times do you have be told, you gotta be there for the bird. Love it, pet it… just don’t ever ignore it. :wink:


Your a mess dude. :crazy: