Yup, it does :beam:
thats pretty funny…sick and twisted but pretty funny!
Chick, bird, its the same thing. But you know, our girls are younger… hehe… bird… chick… get it? Ok thats lame.
Any chance I can get a mod to update title?
September 17th, 18th and 19th a bunch of buddies and me are shooting down to NYC to watch the Sox destroy the yankees and clinch the division (Well hopefully)
Anyhow. I have never stayed in NY before. I have driven through a few times but I am not driving this time. We are taking a train from North Station in Boston.
So I am hoping some of you NY folks can give me some good info on public transit, spots to check out and whatnot.
**This means you Digitalosophy **
We have a hotel in Manhatten (wherever that is)
I heard about this bar somewhere downtown that Is like the ultimate redsox spot. Certainly want info on that bad boy. Anyhow. Any info will be much appreciated.
We have a hotel in Manhatten (wherever that is)—
That is hysterical! You have to know where Manhatten is…I am sure you guys will not be doing much of anything other then watching the games and drinking but there are some pretty cool things to see in the city especially around Manhatten, I havent been there in a few years but it was always fun
I think the bar you may be talking about is the Riviera Cafe in Greenwich Village, its a sports bar just sounds like it has a fancy name!!
Have fun…dont get in too much trouble…
Thanks that is the name of the bar!
I do think thats it.
Well I know kinda where Manhaten is but have no clue how to get there. Thats what I meant.
We will be there for a few days so I am sure we will have some time for other things. Baseball and Beer are high on the priority list though.
Not as worried about getting into trouble as I am getting shot. Four kids from Boston drinking in the Bronx decked out in red sox gear could be a potentially bad situation
Oh my!..depending on the other two or three kids it is a possibility…should be tons of fun though