*Originally posted by McGiver *
****sup**erfluous **
how did you work that out? I was absolutely stunned when i heard that Nintendo weren’t releasing the GBA with a backlight! I was even more stunned when I played on one for the first time! It was bloody awful! Luckily the SP made up for that mistake! the SP is brilliant! I love mine!
the shortcut SP is superfluous, not the product itself (like the shortcuts CS (completely superfluous), MX (moronic eXtension) )
SP stands for Ninstenpdo
MX Macromxedia
XP Bixll Gatpes
*Originally posted by Sharif *
**- That’s because XBOX is a system for men. If you can’t handle a big controller, how can you handle a woman and her 2 friends? **
i’ll get u one day:P
PC is BY FAR the best in my opinion…but you’re prolly looking at around 1000-$1500 at least for a state of the art system
xbox and ps2 are pretty darn good considering they cost a fraction of what a PC costs
well its obvious that pc is by far great due to its specs especially with video cards to choose from. If xbox or ps2 had the same sorta specs then it wuld be uselss updating xbox and ps2
Massive Xylophone!
*Originally posted by Sharif *
**- That’s because XBOX is a system for men. If you can’t handle a big controller, how can you handle a woman and her 2 friends? **
Bah. What if you are a woman?
I’ve got an XBox, and I can’t get on with the original controller, it’s too big for my dainty little hands. :sure: But then I found the smaller Japanese controller, and it rocks. So much easier to play MKDA. :beam:
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
I’ve got an XBox, and I can’t get on with the original controller, it’s too big for my dainty little hands.
This is kinda off topic now that we’ve moved on…
but I always thought MX stood for maximize…
I’m not sure what MX or SP means but CS stands for Creative Suite…
- And yes, XBOX is a system for men, I think the big controller is perfect. If you’re not a girl and you don’t like the big controller, you got “Wussy” written all over you…
In my opinion, there is only ONE way to go…
An Xbox, surround sound, and a digital projector…
–who farted?–:gm:
That’s right.
*Originally posted by sgroove *
**well its obvious that pc is by far great due to its specs especially with video cards to choose from. If xbox or ps2 had the same sorta specs then it wuld be uselss updating xbox and ps2 **
not really… I reckon it’s got more to do with the fact that it has much better games and far more scope for online/multiplayer gaming. I can’t stand split-screen :-\
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**not really… I reckon it’s got more to do with the fact that it has much better games and far more scope for online/multiplayer gaming. I can’t stand split-screen :-\ **
What about system link?
um… then you just have to find the required number of consoles, TVs, friends and cables. Oh and space. aka total ****ing pain in the arse.
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**um… then you just have to find the required number of consoles, TVs, friends and cables. Oh and space. aka total ****ing pain in the arse.**
You just have to find the required number of pc’s, monitors, friends and cables. Oh and space. (=multiplayer network)
But however, you’ll say, you don’t if you play online. But that goes for the Xbox as well. Xbox live, you know =)
Split-screen does suck a lot of soccer balls size=1[/size]. Esecially when you’re playing a game like halo and you pick up a rocket launcher and then someone comes from behind you and it takes like 10 minutes turn around :ro:.
*Originally posted by El_Thierro *
You just have to find the required number of pc’s, monitors, friends and cables. Oh and space. (=multiplayer network)
LOL? That’s just stupid - you’re talking about a LAN party, not a multiplayer online network. The whole point of net play is that fact that there will always be people to play against. You don’t have to find any of that stuff. You obviously already have your PC, monitor, cables and space. You don’t need friends to play against specifically - because there are always random people to play against. So yeah, that was a thick thing to say
And how many games are there on Xbox that a) support Xbox live and b) are actually worth playing? Now compare that to the PC.
actually there are quite a few…ghost recon…to the EA Live sports series. I dont think PC has any sports games that you can play online (well basketball). Project Gotham man there are a bunch of good ones. But I still like pc games but xbox is closing the gap. But yes PC has them beat by far on available games.
Give it a few years I think xbox will be an appliance. :beam: But I will still play a few PC games here and there.