Only In America!

I’ve been to a couple of places. New York, near Chicago, Detroit, and when I was like, 6, Florida.

As if your past is good. Every single bad thing that’s hapenned to you was brought onto yourself by your own actions.
Including September 11th. ESPECIALLY September 11th.

Are you honestly saying that because of those similarities we are ‘hanging on to her apron strings’?



When you become a country of your own, you don’t change every single thing you did before.
Newsflash: Lots of countries have multicolored money.
Guess what: We have a better healthcare system than you, is that bad? I certainly hope you don’t think so.

Anyways, I can’t remember if I was going to ramble on, or if I was going to state some more facts, but either way, I can’t remember, so… clicks submit

just for the record rev…

we are a separate country who have our own parliament…kinda it’s REALLY governed south of the border and we have to get stuff cleared there…it sucks…

we have to use their money and when we go south they subject us to holding up our notes to the light 2 see if they are real - we simply do it back to them when you get your change …

Unsure about the king thing?

Was Elvis involved?..

just a thought???

do the moooses in canada eat cheese?

I guess if you starved them they’d eat cheese, but I think they eat apples and stuff… or something.

he he…

in scotland we would call a mouse a “moose”

pj i’m still laffing about this!!

“ha ha—Estonians call their money Kroons—”

great image to go with it…

i nearly fell off my seat

How much do you make then?

I’ve worked light work in the past and have brought home a paycheck of $500 every week… That was light work. Imagine what I brought in when I was working masonry :beam:

We have high death rates because we have larger areas of densities of people… Think about New York City and Detroit… Detroit alone probably makes up half of those death rates by weapons becauseof all the gang warfare and slum areas… I’ve been there before and I’ve been shot at before… For resting my arm out my stepdad’s car window in Downtown… Scared me ****less… hehe…

So if we took out the slum areas of NYC and Detroit… I’m sure that number would be around 2000. Which when compared to the amount of people we have living here…

Here… I decided to look up some figures between the USa and Canada :slight_smile: USA in Italics and Canada in Underline…


Death Rate
*8.7 deaths/1,000 population *
7.54 deaths/1,000 population

Note :: For having alot of gunshot wounds our death rate isn’t that much higher when compared to yours… La de da…

Unemployment Rate

Note :: Not trying to be USa biased… There some things like Infant mortality rate that candians withstand upon having a better percentage… But I’m just covering the greater topics… Literacy btw was the same in both countries… 97%… On to the large topics.

Military Expenditures
$276.7 billion
7,860.5 million

Note :: I heard someone say something about military that’s why I included that puiece of information… Umm Look for living conditions now… Hmmm… This page doesn’t include living conditions.

*mostly temperate, but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; low winter temperatures in the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in January and February by warm chinook winds from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains *
varies from temperate in south to subarctic and arctic in north

Note :: Interesting enough… Temperate is about what you are around… But mostly around the north subartic and artic… You’re right on the nose with that one… But temperate ranges from 30 degrees to 80 degrees if I’m correct?

And that’s about it… I decided to go look up sheer facts instead of just throwing things back and forth… And like I stated in a note… These are just the pressing issues I heard being displayed… If I can find land delopement and living conditions… I’ll add those on here as well…

playamarz :player:

the cia trained osama bin laden and all them terrorists of his.
The u.s. gives bombs to people so they can explode other people.

I can’t think of the dozens of other things, but just go watch Bowling for Colombine.

some ammo for your blazing gun pj


doesn’t say anything bout their height though…


La de da, our people aren’t murdered by guns. Just a thought.

Our unemployment rate does not reflect the living conditions or poverty rate. I don’t know the numbers, so i won’t say anything, but simply - it’s better for people here.

Again, the military should not be a factor. It has nothing to do with this.

I’ll try and find me some pro-Can numbers. :stuck_out_tongue: back in a jiffy. Peanutbutter. Jubba?


I’m too lazy.

I want to say something, though.

After Rev’s comment about dollars and cents, and everything else, this became an argument about everything between America and Canada. My initial argument was that 10,000 american’s die every year from gunshot wounds, and for no real reason. That will not be proven wrong by any of you, no matter how hard you try. Your country has a gun problem.

For other topics, like death rates and whatnot, I don’t know everything, and I’m not going to try and debate things I know nothing about. I’ll throw in an opinion, but that’s all until I do some research (which I’m not entirely interested in doing)

all right… this is mika. I’m another one of tim’s friends… so this is NOT jess writing.

I’d just like to say that for the most portion… most americans are a lot like canadians. it’s the american government that like 80% of americans don’t believe in. therefore we’re all cool!

oh… and approximatly 85% of our people live on the us/canada border… there are quite a lot of places where US territory is more norther than canada. Especially where tim lives… he could swim across a river to the states. so yeah… let’s all stop our childish fighting and realize that we’re just pissed off at the war. yes. by the way… my email is if you’d like to respond to me… cuz I highly doubt I’ll ever check this again. :slight_smile: thanks! bye!

I edited my latest post (above)

Mika, get off of jess’s computer! You might hurt it!
I know what you do to computers!
And Mika, this has nothing to do with the war, you terd. 10,000 people die from guns in the states <i>every</i> year. There’s nothing special about 2k2 or 2k3.

Allright… If you wanna go mroe ind epth on the numbers… Go ahead… I was staing the facts that actually count…

But… here are some more phigures for you… :slight_smile:

Note :: Phil… COuld you please hand me some of that Estonia mouthwash… :beam:

Migration Rate
3.5 migrant(s)/1,000 population
6.07 migrant(s)/1,000 population

Note :: That’s gotta suck… Weird though… I figured US would hold the record in this… Being with Mexican and Canadian borders… Plus frequent overseas… Hmm

Birth Rate
14.1 births/1,000 population
11.09 births/1,000 population

Infant Mortality
6.69 deaths/1,000 live births
4.95 deaths/1,000 live births

Note :: There is a good number for Canada… Yay for Canada… It’s a good issue too… Infant survival rate… Albeit… The reason ours is so low is because of the motherly instincts alot of the parents have here… You know the whole… Oh well… I’m not saying much about that seeing how it’s a perosn to person thing.


Note :: I think this is due to the factor that we have more gays. But don’t quote me on that one…

AIDS Died Ration
1.6 %

Note :: Not bad… Your AIDS protection seems to be good.

Economic Overview
*The US has the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $36,300. In this market-oriented economy, private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy considerably greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, lay off surplus workers, and develop new products. At the same time, they face higher barriers to entry in their rivals’ home markets than the barriers to entry of foreign firms in US markets. US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers and in medical, aerospace, and military equipment, although their advantage has narrowed since the end of World War II. The onrush of technology largely explains the gradual development of a “two-tier labor market” in which those at the bottom lack the education and the professional/technical skills of those at the top and, more and more, fail to get comparable pay raises, health insurance coverage, and other benefits. Since 1975, practically all the gains in household income have gone to the top 20% of households. The years 1994-2000 witnessed solid increases in real output, low inflation rates, and a drop in unemployment to below 5%. The year 2001 witnessed the end of the boom psychology and performance, with output increasing only 0.3% and unemployment and business failures rising substantially. The response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 showed the remarkable resilience of the economy. Moderate recovery is expected in 2002, with the GDP growth rate rising to 2.5% or more. A major short-term problem in first half 2002 was a sharp decline in the stock market, fueled in part by the exposure of dubious accounting practices in some major corporations. Long-term problems include inadequate investment in economic infrastructure, rapidly rising medical and pension costs of an aging population, sizable trade deficits, and stagnation of family income in the lower economic groups. *
[color=red]As an affluent, high-tech industrial society, Canada today closely resembles the US in its market-oriented economic system, pattern of production, and high living standards. Since World War II, the impressive growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy into one primarily industrial and urban. The 1989 US-Canada Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (which includes Mexico) touched off a dramatic increase in trade and economic integration with the US. As a result of the close cross-border relationship, the economic sluggishness in the United States in 2001-02 had a negative impact on the Canadian economy. Real growth averaged nearly 3% during 1993-2000, but declined in 2001, with moderate recovery in 2002. Unemployment is up, with contraction in the manufacturing and natural resource sectors. Nevertheless, given its great natural resources, skilled labor force, and modern capital plant Canada enjoys solid economic prospects. Two shadows loom, the first being the continuing constitutional impasse between English- and French-speaking areas, which has been raising the spectre of a split in the federation. Another long-term concern is the flow south to the US of professionals lured by higher pay, lower taxes, and the immense high-tech infrastructure. A key strength in the economy is the substantial trade surplus. [/color]

That’s all I’m going to post for now… But that sums up alot of things right there… If I go more into the figures you’ll find industrial and argricultural facts.

playamarz :player:


I wasn’t upset. I was having fun.

Marz gave the facts…

I say, “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.”


Oh, and:
Estonia is named after people called “Ests” who lived in the region in the first century AD.

"I mean, look at our flag! It’s a fuin leaf! Oh no, don’t mess with canada. We’ll dry up and blow away! We should just attack some country one night. Nobody would see that coming. The greatest coo in military history. Lay low for 280 years… and then attack turkey. Just show up 'Fu you we’re takin’ it! And we’re calling it ‘Chicken’ you *******s!’ "

~Some comedian that I can’t remember the name of. He had a big nose.

Yeah… I gte rather defensive for my own country… lmao

Btw… Aislin… GUn Shot rates are definetly generalized by area more specifically big cities…

Like… For the city I live in (yes we are considered a city)… We haven’t had a gun shot death in over 3 years… 2 gun shot woundings… But no deaths… :slight_smile:

playamarz :player:


“We must all learn to live as brothers! Or Die as fools!”
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Let not the nation under out feet come and dictate out brotherhood!! Let freedom reign and peace unite the world, not letting evil hold and bring us to our knees!!
And I say!! If your eight bit video card does not process the data and overloads your piece of-crap video card! Oh Brother, you must upgrade to a new and better graphic cards to save your dumb self from da-m-nation!

… I mean peace…
(Long live Das RussLand!)

Ummm… yeah…

lmao at Phil… Yeah man… I have the problem spratically here… I should have quoted the gun shot detah count a little better… If my city knew about the deaths I gave with gun shots… Then whistles

Oh dear I’ve stated too much… lmao

Russian… Viva los estados unidos!

playamarz :player:

Haha, that is awesome funny…

i’ve lived in the us all my life and am literally scared to wake up the next day and read in the newspaper that our leader (moron bush) is trying to do these things that makes sense. he seems to me like a crazed power driven monkey that has no intelligence at all…listen to the man speak!!

when i move, it’ll be to canada.

Quote from bowling for colombine:
“So what’s so different about Canada that they have so few deaths from gunshot wounds?”
“I dunno, but it sounds like a nice place to retire.”