Opening Borderless Windows

Ok. I was just trying to figure a way to open a swf without a window. THe movie includes a closing button. I did it before but lost it. And I was tyring to find out if there is a version of the “Open Borderless Windows” for Netscape?


The borderless window is no longer supported by IE, and was never supported by Netscape.

It has become obsolete


Is there any other way to make work or that’s it, it has to have the stupid window?:crazy:

Is there a way to do this with an FScommand for a standalone app or in the player?

Hmmm… that’s something I have to look at.

It no longer works in IE 6 SP1.

Unless, of course, you like beta versions. One that works with SP1 is still in beta, but hell, it works. :slight_smile:

Check it out. It includes a FLA that shows you how to launch chromeless windows in Flash.

lol, forgot to attach it.

Hello, new to the board myself. This is a demo I did awile ago for a client. have a peek…

I may have the file kicking around as well.



Chromeless windows do not work in any browser after IE 6 SP1 was released.

And it only worked in IE in the first place.

So it is pretty much a waste to use chromeless windows now. They are dead.

BTW: In SP1 that window comes up as full screen… YUK!

Hello, i am not disagreeing on the topic, however it is just an example. Some may like this asthetic others may not.



Ok, just letting you know. That example you posted opens in Full Screen for me :frowning:

Oh well, I was never too fond of Chromeless windows. Sure they are neat looking, but they became overused and unprofessional after a while.

Just a trend.

Hey I totally agree, I will not use them, unless requested by a client. To trendy for my taste buds. :slight_smile:



Yeah, but make sure you explain if a client ever asks that no browser now supports them. Functionality is an important part of a web site. If a site does not function correclty a viewer will not return. And there goes a customer. It is important for your client to know that.

Man were they cool when they first came out though… :whistle:

Then they popped up everywhere!


the zip I posted works on my SP1 machine…

BTW, I agree, they’re annoying, don’t use them until you have to.

*Originally posted by DJ Lex *
**Is there a way to do this with an FScommand for a standalone app or in the player? **

there are a lot of projector tools which can do things such as this and many more… has something that can do it Im pretty sure.