
Despite what I said in the other thread I started, I’m not aiming to say that Catholics are better people and I do not like other people of different faiths. To be honest, I do get mad sometimes at people who denounce me for being Catholic and try to prove me wrong. But after a few moments I realize that it would be great if we didn’t have to argue like this and we could just have Peace!! We can all agree on that right? :love: If you do then say it!


pees? i don’t like pees.

I definately agree on peace. I’m a “strong atheist” but my friend is a “hard-core” (his words) religious (Christian) person. And I have friends of every faith, color, shape, and size. We don’t agree on our beliefs but we all get along. It’s just harder to do when its on a larger scale (ie: the world).

Philbo and I get into it on occasion…

him being a devout Christian, and me being an Athiest Minister…

but we still get on like thieves…

BTW - I don’t eat Peas either.


lol I said pees…! ahahah

I like Peace. I’d be really happy with that.

As for people attempting to prove you wrong, Christ has some good advice on how to deal with that in the book of Mathew.

My religion is one in which we are challenged to challenge our own ideas and faith, so for myself it is natural to question all religions. Don’t take it personal like. I’m just as down on die hard Atheists as I am on Catholics.

The only people I really give a hard time to are the ones that are really hardcore… The ones that try to convert me or tell me I’m going to hell because I don’t believe… that bothers me and really offends me

heh - you said ‘hardcore’ :beam:

hardcore is my word :stuck_out_tongue:

One night, there was a group preaching by the side of the road… but not in a good way, they where insulting everyone, and made most people who would ever think about chrisitanity, walk away in emberassment. On top of this, it was right under my freinds apartment…

Finaly, he got tired of the yelling, looked at us and said “be back in a sec”

Next thing we hear is his voice outside the window, not yelling or argueing, just preaching … something else… I look outside… I see him standing on the other side of the road yelling “Praise Satan ! He is our true Lord! Join our Army of Deamons! Do drugs, drink alcahol! etc…”

Well soon after the real “preachers” wanabe’s got up and left…

ahhh… good times…


Satan worshiping, now that would be an interesting thing to discuss here in “ordered”. I have some interesting theories on Luciferianism.

A Baptist minister was visiting the home of one of the local families when the son comes running in, all excited because his dog had just had her puppies.
“Don’t interupt, Johnny,” said the boy’s mother.
“Oh, don’t scold him, ma’am,” said the minister. “Puppies are very exciting. Let’s go have a look at those puppies.”
So the boy led them to a cardboard box in the basement full of barely newborn puppies.
“And what kind of puppies are these, my boy?” asked the minister.
“They’re Baptist puppies, sir.”
The minister patted him on the head and left.
Several weeks later, the minister was walking down the street when he saw the little boy playing with one of the puppies in the yard.
“How are your Baptist puppies doing?” he asked jovially.
“They’re atheist puppies,” replied the boy.
“Atheist puppies! Why?”
“Well you see, sir, their eyes are open now.”

Moses and God are walking through Heavan, and God complains of being bored. Moses suggests a vacation.
“That’s a great idea,” says God, “but where?”
“How about Jupiter?” Moses asks. “Impressive scenery.”
“Yeah, but the gravity gives me a backache.”
“What about Pluto then?”
“Too cold – and too boring. I need excitement.”
“Well, if it’s excitement you want, what about Earth? It’s the happening place to be.”
“Earth?” God says in disgust. “Oh, no, not Earth. Last time I was there I got some chick pregnant and I haven’t heard the end of it for two thousand years.”

Not quite what I had in mind when I started this thread…

Yeah, the thread digressed after the first few replies :slight_smile: You should have actually placed your explanation in the thread you created earlier - since there was a discussion there, the mods or I could have removed the irrelevant posts :ub:

Humor is my religion - Keep the reply - and I am polytheist since I guess Love is my other one - don’t need anybody else. My belief is that religions were created to answer the unanswered. Right now, except the origins of the universe and the reason ice cream tastes so good I don’t think I need explanations for anything…

If religions were tools to bring peace as they quote it in the respective books - then I’d be happy to acknowledge them and why not worship this superior force that keeps the world together. Unfortunately I’m faced with the opposite,daily when I watch the news…

Btw I dont know if any of you subscribe to Time Europe and/or if Time US is the same, but they had an interesting article about ‘Where as God gone’…


I still believe such topics should be avoided here. Topics like these are very delicate and a casual discussion will lead to an inevitable debate. And with the history of debate we know that it leads to undesirable consequences… and “war” between parties. I hate to fight over it. We should all get along. We can start by avoiding conflict. In this case topics like these! Peace!

Nah, debates are healty I beleive,
already someone here changed my mind on a topic, and isnt it a good purpose, helped me see the light.

And I think its good, if we stick to topics that dont bring us to talk and discuss, we might as well terminate ordered. Debates in discussions have to be structured and not abusive, but in no way avoided!

I mean topics like religion.

I think topics like religion are a great thing to discuss for a number of reasons. It is something that people can get passionate about, and that makes for interesting conversation. The ordered forum is not a place for casual conversation. This forum is about debate and about arguing. The people that post here just have to be mature enough to know what to post and know what to not post.

I personally enjoy talking about religion. Although I am atheist, I am very interested in learning about different religions and cultures, so discussions about religions are the ones that really interest me…