So I know. Let’s start talking about religious beliefs. Actually. Since this is my thread , it will be narrowed down to why do you or don’t you believe in Jesus as God?
WOW i probably opened a can of worms here, but I am sincerely interested. You know being the time of the year when we supposedly focus on Jesus ::cough:: halmark ::cough::
Oh… and I would appriciate people who post, please have some sort of refrence to your opinions/views/posts/etc when posting because posts of “i just feel this way” without any backing are gonna be useless in an actual discussion.
Hey danno,
I understand that you don’t want to start a flame war over this. From prior experience, this topic is the equivalent of pouring gasoline all over your computer and lighting a match while others pump raw oxygen toward the flame :sleep:.
Any sign of a match being lit, I’m sure this thread will be deleted. Just adding my input =) If you are really interested in finding a good answer, there are plenty of other good boards to discuss a topic such as this. I’m sure Phil Jayhan or David or Reverendflash (the three in-house PHILospohers) know of great places where people spend a lot of their time discussing deep, open-ended questions such as this.
ok, here’s my take.
i believe in …something. call it god, supreme being, whatever. life is too incredible, showing too many signs of purpose, to be just random occurance. the universe itself is so organized, and the fact of its existence alone says to me that there is some purpose for it being here.
as for the bible, quran, torah, etc. etc. i believe those are the words of men, not god. why do i believe that? because that is the most logical answer in the lack of anything convincing me otherwise.
pretty much every religion claims to be the one and only true religion. assuming that one actually is (and that assumption is a big one), then all the others are false. so you can’t listen to what the religions say to you, since they will all say the same thing - “this is the one true religion”. you just have to listen to your heart and find your own truth.
I belive in god and I also belive that when we leave this earth there is a sort of “heaven”
I think there is a god because there are just too many unanswered questions in the “scientific” theroy’s that are out there. I mean, I know a lot of people think that’s an easy way out “since we cannot explain in it your taking the easy way out with the whole god thing” and that’s fine. Believe what you want.
I feel most people need something to belive in - it’s what drives a lot of us. I have personally been brought up as a christian and although I do not follow every rule that is set out i.e. swearing, bad thoughts on occasion…you know the usual I feel that if you live your life with the 10 comandments in mind you should have a pretty good one and make some friends along the way
Yep, Phil, back to France, I can eventually eat cheese, French baguette, croissants that don’t taste like plastic, post on the forum, watch DVDs, get drunk, flash, find an internship and become rich. Vive la France!
*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**I think I am going to heaven…i.e. spend eternity with god, because Jesus Christ died for my sins, all of them at the cross.
I consider myself Christian, but I also have some parts of it which I don’t believe in. I don’t believe that God covered the earth in water, because where did the water come from and go? Plus when the water went back down, all the trees and everything would be dead. Herbivores can’t live w/o plants.
How did Moses spread the sea? Is it metaphorical or what? I don’t understand why God was willing to do all that magical stuff back then but hasn’t done anything like that in the past 2000 years when there was a real way to record it down and prove it.
I’m not going to go into great detail, but I don’t believe in a lot of the stuff in the Old Testament because some of it is so old that I don’t know who wrote about it. Like who wrote about Adam and Eve? How did they find out about it?