ok … my site is 260k and i have a pre-loader… http://hatetofakeit.com now this pre loader DOES NOT WORK …it ONLY shows up when its about 95 % done… and i cant take it any more… anyone ? help?
p.s. by the way this has always been a problem for me in flash
This question has been asked many times before, search for “preloader”, “first frame” etc…
You’re probably using sound/components/other objects that are exported in the first frame. If you test your movie, hit CTRL+B and you’ll see;)
no no i just found out what i have been doing… and i fixed it … after 2 years of never knowing why my preloaders dont work … and by the way i have asked everyone of my flash teachers who none were able to solve my issues…and basicly the reason why my preload never shows up untill about 90% is becase i foolishly had been linking EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER made to actionscript… **** what a dumb ***… so ya if you have that issues then go back and unlink EVERYTHING… and scotty… regardles you could have pointed me in the right place…