Our dear Philbo is addicted to the World Domination Thread…
I feel it is our responsiblity, as his closest friends (sad as that may be), to hold an intervention on his behalf.
We will have to figure out some way to trick him to coming to the intervention, but I think that will be fairly easy since he is quite gullable, and believes almost everything he reads on the web.
Those of you willing to help, please reply below, and we will organize the event.
Thanks in advance for all of your concern.
Lets save Phil, before it’s too late and he has lost his job, his new sporty car, and whats left of his self respect…
12-Question Quiz designed To Help You Decide if you have a problem with World Domination-
Do you dominate because you have problems?
To relax?
Do you dominate when you get mad at other people, your friends or parents?
Do you prefer to dominate alone, rather than with others?
Are your grades starting to slip?
Are you goofing off on your job?
Did you ever try to stop dominating or dominate less & fail?
Have you begun to dominate in the morning, before school or work?
Do you group your dominations?
Do you ever have loss of memory due to your domination?
Do you lie about your domination?
Do you ever get into trouble when you’re dominating?
Do you get “happy” when you dominate, even when you don’t mean to?
Do you think it’s cool to be able to hold your territory?
:phil: … is that you ? whats that sign say - “Will Dominate phor Phood” ??? :!:
That’s the problem with long term addicts - Most of those around him are accustomed to the odd behaviours and therefore aren’t redily shocked … one must step back and look at the subject with new eyes to see the patterns.
… Phil, Drop the mouse and step away from the keyboard … it is time to vacate the space called “Denial” and come Home … Your phamily and phriends all miss You and I’m sure they’ll roll out the teal carpet phor you when they see you
[size=1]and no Phil - Denial is Not that tiny speck off the coast of Madagasscar[/size]
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**it’s spelled “Brazil” …
i knoiw that you´re j/k rev, but for the ppl that took you seriosly… Brasil is the correct spelling to a brazillian… you don´t see me referring to USA as EUA (Estados Unidos da América)
I was just meaning that the rest of your sentence was in English, not Portugese…
It’s like watching a Baseball game in Spanish… all the non-Spanish names sound the same, then when they talk of a hispanic player, or a spanish named town, they sound totally different…
I saw Philbo for quite a while in the forums, but not on “the thread” …
I thought he was getting better, but I see the image is down…
are you getting anything done at home while your addiction isn’t available? Or have you just transfered your addiction to something else? Are you still the “master of your domain”?