Photo Gallery Tutorial Button Help - where'd they go?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated:

The pictures load, now centered, thanks to the moving of the registration point, but when I publish my little slideshow, the buttons don’t show up anywhere.

Have tried re-sizing, re-layering and just about anything else I could think of to try.

The buttons are not obscured by the movie clip.

The stage is bigger than the movie clip.

This all worked fine in previous trys, but now it seems to have gone all wonky!

I’m really new at this so forgive my pedantic attempt at explaining myself.

-BeanPie the Currently Distraught

Could you post the FLA so that I/we can take a look at it?

I would love to post it, but I don’t know how.

Forgive my ignorance…

Click on the Reply button and then scroll down and you’ll see the Browse button for the Attach File field. You might have to zip you fla up before you post it if it’s too large in size.

Hopefully this will work…

Hmm…I got a “Unexpected file format” error after I tried to open it.

yowzah! That’s new!

OK, i’ll try again…

ok, trying again…

Same thing, try this, Save As a different file and rename it and post it.

OK, trying again…

I just downloaded the new one, and it worked - after I chose flash as the application. Is this another mac vs. pc problem?

Ok this is strange, It still didn’t work, I keep on getting that error. Are you useing flash mx? Well that shouldn’t matter, I’m using mx as well.

totally using MX! Egad! Now what?

I have no idea, I’ve never had a problem opening Mac FLAs on my PC before…

EDIT: Try uploading it to your site server so I can download it from there, maybe the forum is screwing up the file.

Have no server at the moment. will have new hosting on monday…

I should try again then…

Sorrry to have taken up time…

No worries, we’ll have a look at it then. =)