Yes, Reply and then attach the file =), i’d like to c wut have you done!
woopsie oh well
gues ill know that for next time
good luk to the other participants
kaotic you can still participate!
Lost does kirupa pay you to post like 500 posts a day?!
heh…j/k i luv ur crazy antics keep posting buddy!
lol Lost I’m hardly ever one when your not!
I don’t get paid for posting so much, but that would be completely awesome.
I am here to help… it is completely voluntary on my part!
Voluntary eh …are you sure kirupa doesnt perform cruel and pleasurable torture in order to get you to post so much!? he is well versed in the art of torture as we all know he is a secret agent…hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
PS: those are hehehe not eh eh eh
Ummm, yeah, I am 100% sure
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Ummm, yeah, I am 100% sure**
UMMM?? Are you hesitating? this is quite troubling
edit: its amazing how a thread can go so of course…
I SAID I AM 100% SURE!!!
:::said as eyes shift left and right:::
pokes beta’s eyes and runs :cyclops: :cyclops:
:::bans Mak from the board:::
:::evil laugh::::evil:
when is this battle due again? we have gone WAY of topic…pokes beta in remainging eye and runs…behind him then kicks him
It is due November 25th…
And that is it… you are soooo banned!!!
::kicks your kneecap::
grins Bwahaha i’m wearing shinpads! Take thAT! *kicks lost in groin!
Mwwwwuuuaahahahahahhaa, after that evil lady in the mall incident I always where my cup!!!
hmmmm…is that so…looks for exit…sees none…jumps out of window like James Bond into a truck which just happens to be carrying comfortable pillows
waves goodbye to beta and bumps head into tunnel
That looked like it hurt
As Makaveli is trying to escape dan4885 joins forces with lostinbeta in the chase and uses a mortar grenade to destroy the path of the truck