HEY! we have really turned this into a battle in some wierd twisted sort of way…like wrestling!
Maks double is turned into a crisp corpse as he laughs and escapes just like the John Tavolta in Swordfish
Run Mak, Run!! [SIZE=1]just like…[/SIZE]
heh…aren’t you on vacation?
Your old ones were really better.
oh well guess ill just have to wait and see what the people do
this really isnt the type of subject i like to do, but by attempting this battle ive broadened my spectrum:smirk:
Argh, i really hate Desktop full of colors
you mean you like a grayscale desktop???
****, i like to look at something lively something that makes me go =)
not something that make me go
ah well thats just meh
*Originally posted by Kaotic *
**i like to look at something lively something that makes me go =)
not something that make me go
Look at the smilies mak, makes him go not
Took me a while too…lol.
lol my bad
i enjoy good art, i have had a few bland ones, but for the most part i like to have colors its just more visually stimulating to me
I’m down with colors in wallpapers, below is a wallpaper I made a while back, with more colors than I usually use, but I thought it came out nice:
I really liked yours Dan! winner, maybe
Wow that is sweet. I’v seen that before, probobly in one of your tutorials. I like =)
Yeah it was used in the image fade with inertia tutorial
Dan could u maybe make some quick tut’s on how u achived some of these effects. I like a lot of the streaming color and would really like to know how to do this.
thats amazing Dan…i cant wait to see your solar system wallpaper.
Just curious, you dont have to answer, are you only using PS to make it?
thats very cool dan
looks like it might have been made in 3ds Max
but very nice
i too am very interested in seeing your solar system
but after seeing that wallpaper my entry isnt looking soo good:-\
good luck all=)
when is the due date? :rambo: blah, who is in this battle? we shall see i need to go smoke a joint peace out
The due date is the 25th, it is on the first page of this thread.
bah dont go all high and mighty on me now when i need sleep :sleep: :sleep: …sometimes i hate being an insomniac i want to sleep but i cant too many traumatic events :sleep: